I cannot decipher it. If you can, you’re free to comment about artist’s socials so I can credit
On a slightly different note, I’m on a crusade to bring the Commonwealth of Lemmy good memes. Most I see feel like my parents would send on Facebook.
Sooo i deciphered it, what do I do with my mini Cthulhu that spawned? Do I have to feed it anything special? I’ve never owned a pet before.
the soul of a virgin is what i would expect, but i would consult a vet first.
and definetely set up a litter box.
Ok, so I took it to the vet like you suggested, it ate the vet, so now we’re banned from there.
I keep getting this overwhelming urge to stare into the void that makes its eyes, hopefully that’s just a bonding mechanism or something.
Yes, that is how a penis works. The mind causes it to blow up much like a balloon.
- penis randomly explodes *
I just used an M80 and some gauze