The ‘technologies’ will be replaced by their respective icons.
I disagree about humans reading these… As someone who has to read resumes while hiring, I’d rather see this than the word-soup I often get. It gives me an idea of what you’re best at, and I can figure out that you’d also be able to learn/do similar things.
Just remove the fullstack part. If there are any senior developers going through the CVs, that’s an immediate red flag.
Why? The “stack” has grown so large, that when a dev claims to be fullstack, you know he either doesn’t understand enough to know he cannot be a fullstack developer, or he does, and isn’t really good at anything, because there’s just too much to know these days.
The ‘technologies’ will be replaced by their respective icons.
Why? I have no idea what the icon for some of those are and I’m sure others may not as well.
I meant like this:
I’d change
- Github, … To
- Git, for version control
Changed, but why Git but not GitHub for version control:
There’s plenty of git forges that aren’t GitHub. Git itself has nothing to do with central servers and can theoretically be used in a completely decentralized manner.
Because “Git” is the technology. GitHub is just one site that works with it.