Your local bi(polar) schizo fluffernutter.

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Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: December 30th, 2023


  • Yeah, but that seems to be an issue with aftermarket membranes mostly. I haven’t found any that aren’t stiffer than the OEM by a significant degree. If you can find an OEM membrane in good condition, and combine it with the cardstock mod, it usually reaches about the same stiffness. However, after all this time I’ve found OEM membranes tear pretty easily, making them even stiffer than aftermarket, so I personally opted to deal with the stiffness of aftermarket membranes combined with the cardstock. Though nowadays I actually just use an SP because I like that dpad more (it uses metal membranes that don’t as easily wear down.)

  • I had this problem with one I modded myself because the new screen was just slightly thicker than the old, pressing on the outer shell and causing the dpad to need more pressure. The solution that worked for me is cutting a small ring of cardstock and putting it between the dpad and the membrane. It increases sensitivity by a lot, but does come with the side effect that you’ll be able to press every direction down at once if you press on the center.

  • Simultaneously power mommy and disaster bisexual. Except the disaster part only applies around women and the power mommy part only applies around men. I don’t understand this phenomenon but I enjoy it.
    I think it’s best demonstrated in the difference between how I confessed to my 2 latest crushes, one man and one woman. The dude, I was like “Yo, I like you. You in?” with zero hesitation.
    The woman? Stuttered for 10 minutes straight until she figured out what I was trying to do and helped me through it.
    They both said no, but they’re both very good friends of mine now, so it worked out.

  • Sombyr@lemmy.zipto196@lemmy.blahaj.zonerule
    1 month ago

    I have a similar issue as somebody with a case of dysphagia worsened by certain foods, which happen to be 90% of what you’re supposed to eat to be healthy (suspected to be a combination of eosinophilic esophagitis and another unknown condition.)
    The amount of times on various social media platforms I’ve been told to “suck it up and just eat them anyway” as if my condition isn’t real and that won’t cause me to choke to death is absurd.

  • I hope this doesn’t sound aggressive, but unless you’re a man, you never had to venture very far on Lemmy to experience misogyny. If you ever mentioned you were a woman in any of the major instances and communities in any context except “I’m a woman and here’s what I don’t like about other women,” you were gonna get misogynistic replies and a shocking amount of downvotes. It’s just what happens when any internet community is dominated by a single gender I guess.
    Lemmy’s always been great about almost every other social issue, except sometimes trans issues and neurodivergence if you stepped out of the communities for it, but women’s issues have always been an absolute train wreck around here.

  • Sombyr@lemmy.ziptome_irl@lemmy.worldme irl
    2 months ago

    It’s also interesting to note that even though introversion and extroversion is often seen as “one gains energy by being alone, the other gains energy by socializing,” it’s actually more complicated than that. It’s got more to do with how your brain processes pleasure and reward. I’m not gonna pretend to fully understand, I’m not a professional, only repeating what they’ve told me, but there’s a lot of times extroverts are actually more drained by social interaction because they’re more mentally present in it than introverts are. As a result of that misunderstanding, a lot of people who are actually extroverts think that they’re introverts.
    Personally, I consider myself an extrovert, but things like drama and people being rude are so draining on me that when it happens I often need to immediately remove myself from the situation to recharge, and then I usually don’t end up coming back until at least the next day.

  • Sombyr@lemmy.ziptome_irl@lemmy.worldme irl
    2 months ago

    Extrovert here.
    People do. Constantly. It’s a normal thing. If you’re hanging out with people who refuse to shut up and let you be comfortable for a while the problem isn’t that they’re extroverts. The problem is that they’re assholes. Unfortunately the two can look similar on account of assholes having less boundaries making them appear to be more extroverted when in reality they’re just less respectful.

  • I think you’re a little confused about what it is they were asking. They weren’t asking if wanting to not have sex was a fetish thing, they were asking if seeking out partners specifically who have never had sex is a fetish thing.
    It’s not the same thing as wanting to date an asexual, because not all asexuals are virgins (often due to experimentation and discovering “yup, I don’t like this.”) The reason so many people want to date virgins specifically is because they have this weird idea that taking somebody’s virginity is a sacred thing. Or sometimes it’s just due to insecurity, not wanting to have other past partners to be compared to.
    Wanting to date a virgin isn’t wanting to date somebody and not have sex with them, it’s wanting to date somebody who’s never had sex before. Whether they will have sex or not during the course of that relationship is technically irrelevant, but most people seeking out virgins specifically unfortunately are expecting it.

  • Agreed. And older women being creeps too needs to be talked about more. Pretransition, in 7th grade, I had a math teacher who tried to flirt with me and it made me horribly uncomfortable, but I could never talk to anybody about it because people would act like that was a good thing and I should feel good for it, and those who acknowledged it was a problem still told me I must have imagined it. I can say one good thing about being a woman is despite encountering creeps way more often, at least I’m allowed to be upset about it now.

  • It is in fact really easy to tell the difference, you just hear more about the times people make the mistake because it’s not noteworthy when somebody goes “that guy’s just staring off into space” and is right. You also likely have a bigger emotional reaction, assuming you’re a guy, to a woman mistakenly thinking a guy is staring at her and being wrong than you do the knowledge that women get stared at a lot, so it makes the first seem like it’s happening more often.
    I’ve lived on both sides (trans) and can tell you I didn’t realize it was this common to get really obviously stared at by older men. And the older they are the more likely they are to do it, which is lucky, because I’m much less afraid of a 70 year old man doing anything to me than a 20-40 year old. I find the only thing I can do in that situation is to avoid looking them directly in the eyes, because they take that as a sign to approach.