Donald Trump’s campaign was hacked by malicious online actors in the last 10 days, suggesting previously reported cyberattacks on the Republican nominee’s campaign may be ongoing, according to a report.
Donald Trump’s campaign was hacked by malicious online actors in the last 10 days, suggesting previously reported cyberattacks on the Republican nominee’s campaign may be ongoing, according to a report.
Is it just me, or is it objectively funny that Trump’s campaign appears to be easily hackable?
Well he is easily manipulated so it is par for the course.
Click the link to allow $100 million to be donated to your campaign!
It’s terrifying that fucktards would vote in this level of incompetence.
I’m getting this wrong probably: A-people hire other A-people, B-people hire A-people, C-people hire D-people, and D-people hire Trump.
Well when the email’s subject line says, “daddy Putin would like a word.” Trump definitely is opening that link