Don’t you gotta buy Switch accessories too? Like kinda the same things, if you need them… a dock, extra controllers, memory card, etc? But the deck, you can use existing controllers (from other consoles, or a mouse and keyboard you might have lying around) and buy a 3rd party dock that works just as well.
I have a switch and I loved it for some games, but now that I have a steamdeck, it’s the most I’ve played games in years. Comparing accessories is moot imo, and can be cheaper on a deck… and the deck is just way more versatile overall. The Switch’s benefit is proprietary Nintendo games and that doesn’t tip the scales enough for me to buy a 2nd gen version. I’ll choose the versatility of the deck any day, it got me playing more games again
I have 0 accessories. You get everything you need: case and charger.
Most accessories are completely pointless rice, unless for some reason you want to use your deck as a pc. In which case it is still cheaper than switch and a pc.
Since I bring mine to libraries and gatherings, I use it like a Switch to plug into big TVs and four controllers. Thankfully it’s all still cheaper than the good stuff for a Switch 👍
Not sure why this is getting down votes. Price is the key factor most parents look at, and most people who aren’t into technology probably don’t know what the steam deck is or know what “gaming on Linux” means. That is what is stopping a good friend of mine. Price is a huge factor, but the intimidation from lack of knowledge is just as big
It’s getting down voted because it’s not $600 it’s $400. Which is exactly how much the switch costed at launch. Well not exactly. The switch cost money to play online. So it’s actually cheaper
Additionally you can get the games much cheaper. Steam games are normally much cheaper than the Nintendo closed store. You also have Hero launcher which allows you Epic And Gog games. Epic gifts every week a new game. That alone is more than most switch players will own.
Plenty of people do or use a lot of things that more people don’t. My point was that not everyone knows what a SteamDeck is. You rebutted by saying people on steam know what it is. Do you not see how terrible of an argument that is? You were basically conceding, but you worded it like you weren’t trying to make my point, even though you did.
Yes, people on steam know about the SteamDeck, the majority of the US and world population, do NOT know what steam is. Therefore, by your own logic, most people don’t know about the SteamDeck.
Nah, you’re not giving the steam deck nearly enough credit. It fills a very similar niche to the switch - a viable mobile gaming option that can also be readily used for couch gaming. You don’t need a large steam library to get use out of that, just like how the average switch owner probably only has a few switch games.
That is not true. Steam games are normally much cheaper, you can also get tons of free games over Steam or Epic. Biggest issue with Steam Deck is the size. It is adult sized even my wife is not comfortable with it and it is too big for children. You would need to use it in combination with a controller.
No, it’s just straight up misinformation, or at least a disingenuous oversimplification.
The base model steam deck is $400 (and you can get steam-certified refurbished ones for even cheaper), and we don’t know the price of the Switch 2 yet. If it comes with even some of the hardware upgrades that have been leaked, I very much doubt it’ll retail for as low as $350.
The base SteamDeck doesn’t have an OLED screen and is still more expensive than the Switch OLED. As for the price of the Switch 2, it’s a well-known and documented practice that console manufacturers sell them at a loss and make back the profits in games. If anything, you’re the one spewing misinformation.
The base steam deck blows the OLED switch out of the water specs-wise on everything other than the screen. Nothing I’ve said is untrue, the relevant top comment is pure speculation at best.
See? This is what I mean by disconnected from the real world. Next you’re gonna tell me how open source allows you to unlock the full potential of the Steamdeck’s hardware.
Nothing I’ve said is untrue, the relevant top comment is pure speculation at best.
Brother, you literally said the Switch 2 is not gonna be around 350 USD. You have exactly as much evidence of that as the relevant top comment has that it will be. The difference is that only your comment was serious.
Dawg you gotta be a troll if you think I’m “disconnected from the real world” just because I know that better specs is why the steam deck can handle modern games and the switch can’t. Also I said that we don’t know what the switch 2 will cost, and that I’d be surprised if it was that low. Don’t put words in my mouth.
Nope, you’re disconnected from the real world because you don’t understand the average user doesn’t care about specs they can’t see. You walking back your words now doesn’t mean you didn’t say them. Nobody is putting anything in your mouth.
I agree. Stupid lemmings not understanding that 400 usd switch 2, plus 70 dollar switch games that nintendo says you are allowed to play, plus paying for internet again is way cheaper than 400 usd steam deck that will get you around 20 or so games for the price of a single nintendo game off humble bundle.
SD is way cheaper in the long run.
You already have a sizeable library and if you don’t 620 on steam deck and humble bundle is going to get you way more games than 620 spent on switch and overpriced nintendo copy paste games. Didn’t you have to pay for the internet again on switch?
$600 <-> prolly three fiddy
Uh, base Steamdeck is $399.
Probably cheaper than the Shit 2
Plus accessories
I have 0 steamdeck accessories. Works perfectly fine
Don’t you gotta buy Switch accessories too? Like kinda the same things, if you need them… a dock, extra controllers, memory card, etc? But the deck, you can use existing controllers (from other consoles, or a mouse and keyboard you might have lying around) and buy a 3rd party dock that works just as well.
I have a switch and I loved it for some games, but now that I have a steamdeck, it’s the most I’ve played games in years. Comparing accessories is moot imo, and can be cheaper on a deck… and the deck is just way more versatile overall. The Switch’s benefit is proprietary Nintendo games and that doesn’t tip the scales enough for me to buy a 2nd gen version. I’ll choose the versatility of the deck any day, it got me playing more games again
I have 0 accessories. You get everything you need: case and charger. Most accessories are completely pointless rice, unless for some reason you want to use your deck as a pc. In which case it is still cheaper than switch and a pc.
Since I bring mine to libraries and gatherings, I use it like a Switch to plug into big TVs and four controllers. Thankfully it’s all still cheaper than the good stuff for a Switch 👍
You mean $400.
Well, given you’re on a .ca instance, you’re likely Canadian, so $400 probably is 600 loonies.
Not sure why this is getting down votes. Price is the key factor most parents look at, and most people who aren’t into technology probably don’t know what the steam deck is or know what “gaming on Linux” means. That is what is stopping a good friend of mine. Price is a huge factor, but the intimidation from lack of knowledge is just as big
Because it’s a false narrative, entry level steamdeck can be had for $399.
You can one for under $300 if you buy refurbished.
Not an argument, you can also buy refurbished switch for 150 - 200
Sure. Can you play Baldur’s Gate 3 on it?
No but what’s the dumbass comparison lmao
How so? Is the price the only thing you think about when making a purchase?
If we compare the prices of two devices, we compare the prices of two devices, not the original factory price and a refurbished price.
Then why get either when you can get an used psp for like 20 bucks?
Because there are no games made for the PSP anymore.
It’s getting down voted because it’s not $600 it’s $400. Which is exactly how much the switch costed at launch. Well not exactly. The switch cost money to play online. So it’s actually cheaper
excellent point and not trying to be pedantic, just pointing this out because i used to make the same mistake, the past tense of cost is cost.
Fuck I’m usually good with grammar
not your fault English is a mess of stolen arbitrary rules.
Additionally you can get the games much cheaper. Steam games are normally much cheaper than the Nintendo closed store. You also have Hero launcher which allows you Epic And Gog games. Epic gifts every week a new game. That alone is more than most switch players will own.
Idk about that. Steam is a wildly popular platform and regularly markets the SteamDeck to its user base.
Exactly my point. If you aren’t using steam, you probably won’t see marketing for it.
Plenty of people use Steam
And plenty more people don’t.
Plenty of people do or use a lot of things that more people don’t. My point was that not everyone knows what a SteamDeck is. You rebutted by saying people on steam know what it is. Do you not see how terrible of an argument that is? You were basically conceding, but you worded it like you weren’t trying to make my point, even though you did.
Yes, people on steam know about the SteamDeck, the majority of the US and world population, do NOT know what steam is. Therefore, by your own logic, most people don’t know about the SteamDeck.
If it wasn’t for the fact that a lot of people here have a good sized Steam library, I doubt they’d have a Steam Deck either.
It’s more a “bonus way to play about half your PC games on the toilet” than it is a primary gaming platform.
Nah, you’re not giving the steam deck nearly enough credit. It fills a very similar niche to the switch - a viable mobile gaming option that can also be readily used for couch gaming. You don’t need a large steam library to get use out of that, just like how the average switch owner probably only has a few switch games.
You could. But realistically how many have?
That is not true. Steam games are normally much cheaper, you can also get tons of free games over Steam or Epic. Biggest issue with Steam Deck is the size. It is adult sized even my wife is not comfortable with it and it is too big for children. You would need to use it in combination with a controller.
I’ve tripled my library since getting a deck and use it more often than my PC.
Because Lemmings are completely disconnected from the real world.
No, it’s just straight up misinformation, or at least a disingenuous oversimplification.
The base model steam deck is $400 (and you can get steam-certified refurbished ones for even cheaper), and we don’t know the price of the Switch 2 yet. If it comes with even some of the hardware upgrades that have been leaked, I very much doubt it’ll retail for as low as $350.
The base SteamDeck doesn’t have an OLED screen and is still more expensive than the Switch OLED. As for the price of the Switch 2, it’s a well-known and documented practice that console manufacturers sell them at a loss and make back the profits in games. If anything, you’re the one spewing misinformation.
The base steam deck blows the OLED switch out of the water specs-wise on everything other than the screen. Nothing I’ve said is untrue, the relevant top comment is pure speculation at best.
What does the oled matter? I have both and it is not a big deal. Id rather have lcd deck than OLED switch with free access to every nintendo game.
You’re insufferable. You’re wrong about be price thing, just fucking admit it.
Did you respond to the wrong comment
See? This is what I mean by disconnected from the real world. Next you’re gonna tell me how open source allows you to unlock the full potential of the Steamdeck’s hardware.
Brother, you literally said the Switch 2 is not gonna be around 350 USD. You have exactly as much evidence of that as the relevant top comment has that it will be. The difference is that only your comment was serious.
Dawg you gotta be a troll if you think I’m “disconnected from the real world” just because I know that better specs is why the steam deck can handle modern games and the switch can’t. Also I said that we don’t know what the switch 2 will cost, and that I’d be surprised if it was that low. Don’t put words in my mouth.
Nope, you’re disconnected from the real world because you don’t understand the average user doesn’t care about specs they can’t see. You walking back your words now doesn’t mean you didn’t say them. Nobody is putting anything in your mouth.
I agree. Stupid lemmings not understanding that 400 usd switch 2, plus 70 dollar switch games that nintendo says you are allowed to play, plus paying for internet again is way cheaper than 400 usd steam deck that will get you around 20 or so games for the price of a single nintendo game off humble bundle.
Wait, that can’t be right…
Every comment you guys make just cements how disconnected from reality you really are. There’s also cheap games for the Switch.
SD is way cheaper in the long run. You already have a sizeable library and if you don’t 620 on steam deck and humble bundle is going to get you way more games than 620 spent on switch and overpriced nintendo copy paste games. Didn’t you have to pay for the internet again on switch?