Yes of course. Doesn’t mean we shouldn’t have access to that information.
Where I live, (Québec) we have LaPresse, LeDevoir, LaTribune/LeSoleil/LeQuotidien/etc which are an information coop, which are all free but have the option to have a paid subscription or rather to support the paper. There’s also tons of special federal and provincial measures to financially support journalism in Canada.
Yes of course. Doesn’t mean we shouldn’t have access to that information.
Where I live, (Québec) we have LaPresse, LeDevoir, LaTribune/LeSoleil/LeQuotidien/etc which are an information coop, which are all free but have the option to have a paid subscription or rather to support the paper. There’s also tons of special federal and provincial measures to financially support journalism in Canada.
But I forget this is the US.