This has been the most up and down delivery process. I wouldn’t normally mind it cause I know packages can go like 20 places before they reach you, but this has been irritating to say the least.

Originally my package was supposed to get here tomorrow (July 6th) then it updated and said it get here early on Monday (July 3rd) which is great! It wasn’t. Then it updated to being delivered Wednesday the 5th, then, despite it being a holiday they said they were closed on, it went out for delivery at 2 or something Tuesday. Obviously it wasn’t delivered and they said Wednesday. They haven’t updated since yesterday and now I have no clue where my package is or when I’ll get it. Now it’s labeled pending despite just sitting around my local fedex. Good thing it’s not medication or something important. I’m probably just gonna ask them to hold it and I will get it tomorrow, but the constant updating and then failure to deliver has truly been mildly infuriating.

    1 year ago

    This is probably a USPS transfer package and got lost either at Fedex or USPS, which is why the delivery date keeps bouncing around.

    Packages like that are delivered to USPS in bags, and the contents are “logically scanned”. If someone scanned it going into the bag, then you can usually assume that its still in the bag at the other end. However, that’s not always true.

    They might find it later, but just showing up at Fedex is likely to be a waste of your time until that delivery date updates (indicating that someone has found and physically scanned the package).

      1 year ago

      The “we’re gonna get this to you early!” Usually means that you were scheduled to receive a more expensive service package on that day, so it doesn’t cost Fedex any more money to deliver both of them.

      Otherwise they would give it to the post office on Monday and you would get it in +one business day