This is a sore subject, but I feel it necessary to add to the gaming layoff news: Telltale laid most of us off early September. Status of TWAU2, I can't say (NDA).

Now, I focus on what matters to me—my own game, and the following words:

Games industry, we must UNIONIZE.


I signed an agreement not to cause any harm to Telltale's business as part of my severance package. But I am legally allowed to speak on behalf of being laid off, and this statement of fact is sincerely not an attempt to cause harm or ruination to the company.

Additional non-contract breaking details: I originally re-joined Telltale because I've always wanted to work on TWAU2 (as a fan of the original). Our team was very small and I was genuinely excited for the game. Telltale has yet to publicize any of what has happened.

Well, there goes any hope for The Wolf Among Us 2. How terrible, I hope the devs at least got a good severance package. Seems like this company is cursed to fail.

    1 year ago

    They never got revived. A third party bought their titles and company title when they went bankrupt.

    The new company renamed a division of itself to Telltale and offered the old devs jobs as temporary contract workers.

    None of the previous workers took the job. They did end up hiring Adhoc Studios (real former TellTale members) to work on TWAU2 after development stalled.

    It should be no surprise that the company is laying off people. They did nothing with the IPs for 4 years besides sit on royalties.