Back in the day, I knew what I would get from ASUS and their AURA tech. Pretty simple, just choose what you want and go. My LEDs did what I wanted, it was simple. But no… no they said. Instead we want you to download most of a gig of bullshit to do the same thing, but with extra fucking steps.

I'm pretty sure my light controlling software is now tracking me. I'm not sure if the pattern of my LEDs are watching me or not.

How the shit did we let this come to pass? Why do we let these monstrosities into our life?

I'm part of the problem, I know. I just want my lights to do what I tell them to.

    1 year ago

    I'm a total OpenRGB noob and just wanted to know of there's an easy way from Linux to detect the number of LEDs in a device? I only recently wiped my Win11 install and Synapse would tell me how many each had, but I'm struggling at guessing in OpenRGB.

    Also, is it possible to edit the colors used in the spectrum effect?

    Thanks for the work you've put into this, I completely agree that all these systems are garbage, and in so over their bullshit.

      1 year ago

      Just start at 1, set color, keep incrementing until the last LED in the string doesn't control anything