• It's called hypodipsia or adipsia. The bad thing for me is that dehydration causes the brain to get forgetful of things. So i notice that i'm dehydrated and i remind myself that i should drink … only to have forgotten about it after 10 seconds.

    What helps me is to always have a water bottle at hand, and preferably have it so that i'm often reminded of its presence. Frequently have it in the field of vision, or strap it to the belt. Then train the habit that whenever i get aware of the bottle i immediately take some.
    If you dislike the taste of pure water then try adding some flavour to it. Mineral supplement fizzle tabs, lemon, mint leaves … are you also "hungry for salt"? As someone mentioned, you might be low on essential ions as well.

    When you drink beer, eat something salty to it (beer may cause sodium to get exchanged by potassium), and drink at least the same amount of water as you had beer. (hint for anyone for minimising hangovers)