Some of the many articles about it:

The notion that wolves fight amongst each other and the strongest becomes the “alpha” and the weakest is the “omega” and all that, is a misconception that has been debunked ages ago, and even the author of the study who called them “alphas” in the first place is pleading with his old publisher to stop printing the dang book already so this misconception can finally die out.

Wolf packs are more or less just families. One “breeding pair” and their pups, which often stay with their parents way into adulthood.

    1 year ago

    Not really. In chimps, if you want to have the highest status as a male, you have to form coalitions of friendship with other relatively high-status males. Chimp males who try to simply beat the shit out of everyone else without forming coalitions, tend to get "dealt with" prison style where the rest of the troop's males show up 4 or 5 deep and either beat the shit out of them, or fucking kill them.

    Chimps are metal as fuck in this regard.

    That said, while it's true that we get a lot of insight into human behavior by studying non-human primate behavior, it's not the case, nor does anyone who matters argue as such, that human behavior is or should be precisely analogous to what we see in our close relatives.