I have an old Pi hanging around doing nothing. When I originally got it it had the latest Pi OS with desktop loaded and ran like garbage, not surprisingly. So I messed with it headless for a bit, then found RISCOS as an option in Pi imager utility and that is just a neat OS. Fun to play around with for sure. But now I’m wondering what else I could use the old thing for. I see folks run Pihole on it, but I’ve already got 2 instances of Adguard Home running.

Could this handle Syncthing? Or would the data transfer be so bad it’s not worth it? Wouldn’t mind having an off-site backup device at my parents house if it would work.

Anyone else got one in their homelab?

  • pipe01@lemmy.pipe01.net
    1 year ago

    All you'd need to program that ESP32 is an USB to UART adapter, you can get those for pennies on the dollar. I've never used Ethernet on the ESP32 so I can't attest to how easy it would be, however I do know that doing it over WiFi is super simple.