In meetings in Israel, U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin conveyed to Israeli leaders that it’s important to observe international rules of warfare.

As Israel girds for a fearsome ground assault into Gaza, senior Biden administration officials are warning their Israeli counterparts to show restraint and avoid mass civilian casualties and a humanitarian disaster that could turn world opinion against the Jewish state, according to two current and one former U.S. official.

    1 year ago

    wipe out Palestinian civilians

    No, he hasn't supported Israeli action against civilians. Your suggestion otherwise proves that you aren't even bothering to read Biden's statements on the matter.

    In the linked article, he warned Israel to obey international law when retaliating against Hamas.

    Today, he warned Israel not to occupy Gaza, adding:

    "Hamas and the extreme elements of Hamas don’t represent all the Palestinian people … There needs to be a Palestinian Authority. There needs to be a path to a Palestinian state."

    Meanwhile, the State Department is working to reopen humanitarian aid corridors to Gaza:

    We’ve been over this.

    We've been over this, but you keep getting it wrong. The people responsible for Trump include those who won't lift a finger to stop him.

    Doing nothing in the face of evil does not free you from responsibility for evil. Ask any German.