To be fair they were also using encrypted messaging to talk to each other like WhatsApp and Signal, they even show their mom how to use it which is extremely suspicious.
“All members of this group were particularly suspicious, only communicating with each other using encrypted applications, in particular Signal, and encrypting their computers and devices […].
The Investigating Judge
when the DGSI [a French security agency charged with counter-espionage, counter-terrorism, countering cybercrime and surveillance of potentially threatening groups] has questioned Bastien about what he thinks of Macron. A photograph on his computer is mentioned, which according to them details the President's security arrangements for the July 14th parade. (…)
The device in question (an aerial photo taken from the press) is highlighted in such a way as to draw a dick. A dick.
The link is made with Bastien's passion for drones. The implication is that he could have used a drone to attack this dick-shaped device using explosives.
Figured it was something like this. It sounds like one of those "The police know they fucked up and are now grasping at any straw they can find in an attempt to cover their asses" situations.
"We can't find any evidence. But we definitely know they're guilty! They just covered their tracks so well that there is no evidence of wrongdoing available anywhere. Given the situation at hand and how obvious it is, without evidence, that these guys have committed a crime, we better lock them up."
You made a surprisingly accurate description of the situation.