So I’ll start by admitting that I shot myself in the foot a bit by installing nixos (I’m willing to move to any Linux because that’s what I’m familiar with) on what I hope to make my dedicated NAS computer. I have quite a bit of Linux experience doing normal computer things locally, but damned if networking isn’t a completely different ball game and you have to admit the documentation for this stuff can be a little on the obtuse side!

Long story short I’m looking for a solution I can roll out in just a couple hours for setting up a jellyfin with the *arrs and whatever torrent web UI I don’t care, which has sane defaults, will let me easily manage it remotely, and will definitely pipe all torrent activity through my mullvad VPN. I’ve been using qbittorrent because it lets you define a network interface and if the VPN isn’t available it will just stop. I’d like to ensure this always happens because my ISP is very touchy.

I’ve found a docker with the *arrs and jellyfin but it uses PIA for the VPN and I don’t know how to change that, and I also don’t know how to import my existing library because sonarr keeps misidentifying everything when I try. I know nothing about docker and at this point am too pissed off at it to want to learn either (really I just need a video/document that explains what docker is and does and gets to the point you know? I haven’t had much luck)

Also I’ve never been able to get any kind of file server working except sshfs on this network.

I have it so tantalizingly, obnoxiously close to working how I want, there’s just always something that breaks on me and I’m out of mental energy for this project and I’d like something that works. What do you people do?

If this is the wrong place to post this or there exists a better one, I apologize. Or if you do decide to put up with my essentially vent posting I appreciate it!

    11 months ago

    Honestly, taking the time learn Docker and then learn more about the specific containers that you want to use is probably going to be the easiest way forward in your position. If you have any specific questions about Docker or the containers you’re looking at, I can try to help.

    When it comes to network mounts, I’ve found it a lot easier to use rclone for that purpose, and that’s currently what I use for the backend of my Plex server.

      11 months ago

      I’d just add that using docker is easy on NixOS:

      virtualisation.docker.enable = true;

      Possibly also this to allow using docker without root: users.users..extraGroups = [ "docker" ]; (beware that this effectively adds root privileges to the user).