Seatbelts save significant medical costs that the government has to pay for. Cigarettes do not, as the medical cost has already been paid by said smoker 10 times over due to outrageous taxes.
Smoking bans are a severe government overreach, and I will celebrate every time one gets slapped down.
Yeah good idea, just let them go flying out the windscreen then waste a valuable ambulance and ICU bed because, you know, they should be able to choose or some shit no matter the cost.
Seatbelts greatly upset you don’t they?
Seatbelts save significant medical costs that the government has to pay for. Cigarettes do not, as the medical cost has already been paid by said smoker 10 times over due to outrageous taxes.
Smoking bans are a severe government overreach, and I will celebrate every time one gets slapped down.
Yes. I think as a law they are absolutely idiotic. If someone wants to not use them, let them.
Seatbelts have saved millions of lives globally since their introduction, but fuck that when there’s the great injustice of them being mandatory!
Seriously mate, get some perspective.
Yeah good idea, just let them go flying out the windscreen then waste a valuable ambulance and ICU bed because, you know, they should be able to choose or some shit no matter the cost.
You’re an idiot
No u