Is there a fundamental internet meme that has had such a major impact that it would have notable repercussions if it had somehow disappeared?
The I Can Haz Cheeseburger? kickoff meme of the happy Russian Blue cat.
I wasted sooooo much time on ICHC and it was due to that memeified cat picture that started it all.
Well if you’re a time traveler, you’d want to remove the very first meme for maximum ripple effect, so prevent people from questioning Bielefeld.
I’m thinking you have to go way back, something like lolcats, advice duck, ceiling cat, something where if you remove it from the equation meme culture just straight up does not develop, or does not develop the same way or at the same time.
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Fucking wojacks. Disappearance of this cancer will bring significant benefit to me specifically because I wouldn’t have to endure those ugly drawings. Fucking trollface was better than this hell.
Rage comics were better and were actually a modern form of Commedia dell’arte or Masked Theatre, in such that it used stock characters and so plot could be both meaningful but simple. Wojacks lack implied character and context, so story or character depth requires explanation which doesn’t usually work as well with that form
Doge, it would make crytobros slightly less cringe (VERY slightly)
They’d still find a way
Probably the one we already removed. I’d tell you which I’ve but unfortunately I forgot.
I can’t imagine the modern internet without Among Us