There are some people that asked a similar question but I don’t want who gets raw revenue, but who gets the probably obscene margins (profits thus) from paying $10-20/year for linking a piece of string and an IP address?
There are some people that asked a similar question but I don’t want who gets raw revenue, but who gets the probably obscene margins (profits thus) from paying $10-20/year for linking a piece of string and an IP address?
Can I expand this question to who gets profits when you buy land on the moon, or buy a star, as a gift? Is it completely bullshit or what?
Those are just 1980s NFTs. You don’t own anything other than the certificate
99.99% sure it’s all bullshit. Same with buying land in Scotland. You will actually own something there, though it is minuscule in size and no one will actually call you a lord or lady for it. In contrast, no one has ownership rights to stars or celestial bodies, including the moon, so that’s all bogus for sure.