For those who couldn’t read the Linux GUI:

  • Windows used 3.4 GB / 8GB
  • Linux used 800 MB/ 8 GB
    10 months ago

    I don’t get why this is always mentioned. Windows caches too and uses up all free space for faster application startup, but just because it also does it doesn’t change the fact that it uses more ram for active processes while doing nothing. I remember Minecraft running a lot better on my old MacBook with just 4gb of ram as Ubuntu used less than Mac OS X and I could allocate more to the game, whether cacheing was enabled or not on those OSes was not relevant. This should not be relevant today as 32gb of ram can be purchased for less than 100 bucks but sadly is as Apple and other laptop manufacturers think selling soldered 8gb is ok for a base model in 2023 for a laptop costing more than 300 bucks