Like is it avoided or might you kill flies to prevent flystrike. Or is it ignored when you’ll inevitably kill some small bugs/insects

    1 month ago

    I wonder why the flies are on strike. Also our view of animals and how we think of their worth might depend on how we define intelligence. If we think that a cow is an intelligent being then we might think that it’s wrong to kill it and eat it. If we think that a cockroach has no intelligence then there’s no reason not to kill it. If we believe that all life on the planet has intelligence or what you might consider a soul or a spark of life whatever you want to call it then you might be a verse to killing anything. I’m not sure where you draw the line.

    8 days ago

    In my experience there are 2 reasons to be a vegan. 1. animal wellbeing and 2. The environment. If you care about animal wellbeing we have to answer the question if bugs have a high enough awareness to notice and care about death. I think their consciousness is rather limited, so I think killing them in that regard is not too bad. Now from an environmental perspective it is bad to kill bugs, but killing one because it is running through your house will realistically not have to biggest impact compared to pesticides or highways or the lack of living space for these animals (rent got too high for them)

    So as a vegan I kill moskitos and insects that could harm my property, food or stuff like that. The rest I try to get out the window but don’t bother too much.