• MeaanBeaan@lemmy.world
        9 months ago

        It was actually Edison and Westinghouse. Tesla and Edison having beef with eachother is a complete myth. Edison never wrote about Tesla at all and had a gigantic beef against Westinghouse. Tesla was actually a fairly minor player whose only real contribution was his invention of the multiphase motor that he licensed to Westinghouse. Not only that but another guy by the name of Galileo Ferraris independently made the exact same discovery around the same time as Tesla. Meaning Tesla’s contribution to AC electricity wasn’t even strictly necessary.

        After that invention Tesla did practically nothing at all of consequence other than grifting Charles Schwaab out of a bunch of money and falling madly in love with a pigeon.

        Tesla also never really had anything negative to say about Edison at all. In fact he actually briefly worked for his company. He ended up quitting when the manager he worked under reneged on a deal they made to give tesla $300 for a task the guy didn’t think Tesla would be able to do. When Tesla actually did it the guy said he was only joking about the $300. Tesla got super pissed and quit.

        Not to mention the fact Tesla was batshit insane and had all sorts of weird pseudo-religious beliefs about how electricity works. The money he grifted from Charles schwaab was used to fund his idea of transmitting electricity large distances through the earth; Not through wires buried underground, but literally through the earth. As you can imagine it didn’t work.