This is a small project I’m working on for the gbscontrol. It functions as a remote to change saved profiles via wifi using a Raspberry Pi Pico W. With the addition of filters to the analogue pocket dock, I wanted to be able to quickly change presets without having to launch the web UI. When its ready, it will be fully open sourced.

What’s working well:

  1. Using the webui to configure gbscontrol hostname and adding wifi credentials.
  2. Loading profiles and scrolling via the joystick and buttons.
  3. Refreshing profiles via joystick press.
  4. Help messages when it can’t connect to wifi or load options from gbscontrol

What needs improvement:

  1. More status indicators on the screen. It can appear frozen when it’s working.
  2. Make UI more mobile friendly.
  3. Clean up the code base, I don’t use python very often and it shows.
  4. 3D printed enclosure, guess I finally have to go beyond tinkercad.
    9 months ago

    Right, that’s a smart idea. I’m definitely looking forward to how your project is gonna turn out!