Ive recently gotten into painting and am looking for inspiration, so please hit me with your favorite artists. I’ve currently only done master copies and tutorials in the style of Van Gogh, but want to branch out. Unfortunately i didnt appreciate the required art appreciation class enough in college.

  • HelixDab2@lemm.ee
    8 months ago

    Hmmm. Hans Bellmer is probably my favorite overall, but he’s better known as a surrealist photographer and illustrator. (His illustrations are almost affordable; I don’t know if he’s just not that well known, or if his surrealist eroticism isn’t to everyone’s taste, or what. But his ‘puppet’ photos are really fantastic and disturbing.)

    Second is Egon Schiele, who died far, far too young during the Spanish Influenza epidemic. He was a protege of Gustav Klimt, and, IMO, would have eclipsed him had he lived.

    Third is Lucien Freud, who has such expressive brushwork, and was a master of color and composition.