I installed x11vnc on Mint and it works fine as long as I have a monitor plugged into the server. I want to run the server without a monitor though. That apparently doesn’t work with Cinnamon. I already bought a dummy plug to simulate a monitor but that seems clunky. Is there a better way? I’m also open to using a different VNC server or even a different distro (as long as it’s not Ubuntu or Arch).

  • lemmyreader@lemmy.ml
    7 months ago

    What problems do you have ? From the top of my head it is something like this :

    • Install the tigervnc-standalone-server deb package on your server

    • ssh in your server as your user and type : vncpasswd

    • Continue and type : vncserver

    • On your client connect via a vnc viewer software

    This https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/TigerVNC doesn’t read like an easy howto but could be useful.