Alabama Chief Justice Tom Parker indicated on the show he was a proponent of the “Seven Mountains Mandate,” an explicitly theocratic doctrine at the heart of Christian nationalism.

Alabama Chief Justice Tom Parker, who wrote the concurring opinion in last week’s explosive Alabama Supreme Court ruling that frozen embryos have the same rights as living children, recently appeared on a show hosted by self-anointed “prophet” and QAnon conspiracy theorist.

Parker was the featured guest on “Someone You Should Know,” hosted by Johnny Enlow, a Christian nationalist influencer and devoted supporter of former President Donald Trump. Over the course of an 11-minute interview, Parker articulated a theocratic worldview at odds with a functioning, pluralistic society.

“God created government,” he told Enlow, adding that it’s “heartbreaking” that “we have let it go into the possession of others.”

    8 months ago

    I’m not saying anything about whether or not I’m a good person. I’m saying that the number of good people here is a lot lower than you imagine. Pull up the draw bridge, IDGAF, I’ll swim if I have to, but the American South is a shit hole that didn’t deserve the reconstruction. They’ve not learned a goddamn thing.

    • queermunist she/
      8 months ago

      Not everyone can escape. Do they deserve to suffer and die?

      And maybe we won’t just blow up the bridge. Maybe we build a wall! Why not? You’re all evil, we don’t need that blight on our society. In fact, why not declare war? Why not kill literally everyone! D o n t y o u a l l d e s e r v e i t? 🙄

        8 months ago

        Jesus Christ, you must be fun at parties…

        The writing has been on the wall for quite a long time. Anybody that stays behind does so at their own risk. I’m not being lynched here. I’ll take in others who want to leave when I get to where I’m going.

            8 months ago

            No, I’m not “basically” saying that, but nice strawman attempt.

            I have no interest in being a white knight. I’m fucking leaving. I don’t have any obligation to financially cover people who can’t leave; they have to make that decision.

            What I’m saying is that the rest of the people here, the ones actively calling for the deaths of the LGBTQ+ are as useful as taste buds on an asshole.

            I will not waste another breath on trying to convince them that they’re horrible people. Not even within my own family. When the South inevitably attempts a second civil war, I’ll help my LGBTQ+ brothers and sisters should they get to where I am. But they have to find the impetus to do so.

            • queermunist she/
              8 months ago

              Vibe check

              Do you think I’m telling you to stay in the south? I never said that. I just specifically am pissed off by you saying “Nothing in the Bible belt is worth saving.” That’s it. You’re free to leave, it isn’t your job to sacrifice your life for voting lol

                8 months ago

                And it isn’t your job to defend the shittiest people on the planet, who by the way want you dead just as much as they do me. The difference is you want to defend the South.

                This is an abusive relationship; the first time I get beat is the other person’s fault. Every time after that is mine. I’m simply choosing to leave, and you want to victim shame. Bravo.

                I got jumped in Daytona Beach in 2021. Three dudes in a pickup truck hopped out and beat the fuck out of me because I was wearing a pride bracelet. I was just able to recall enough of the truck to identify it, but because I didn’t get the tag, they never caught the guys. The cops refused to treat it as a hate crime.

                I left, even though I couldn’t afford to do so. So your description of people not being able to leave doesn’t pass the smell test.

                Are there places in the North where I won’t be safe? Of course. I’m not going to Boston. But I’m leaving the South because of the aforementioned abusive relationship analogy.

                Again, I’m in no way obligated to get lynched because other people decide to stay. And believe you me, staying in a place full of people who jerk it at night thinking about killing the LGBTQ is a choice.

                • queermunist she/
                  7 months ago

                  I literally never told you to stay. You’ve been arguing against a strawman of your own creation this entire time.

                  I don’t want to defend “the South”, it’s a rotten culture that grew out of the Confederacy and there should have been a cultural revolution during Reconstruction. I want to defend the people in the South who are going to get lynched. People like you! You’re literally one of the people that you’re saying are the shittiest people on the planet. How many millions are just like you?

                  This broad “they” you keep using is a lot of people and you’re just condemning millions of people to death because a lot of them are Christian nationalist crackers.

                    7 months ago

                    The fuck are you even taking to me for, then? Hit the bricks. Your opinion is diminishing in value with every reply. I don’t have the time to sit and argue with an SJW with a shitty attitude who has done nothing but strawman me to death with hypotheticals.

                    Someone else responded to my initial comment with something about nukes, do you, for some reason, think that was me? I’ve not “condemned” anybody. I think you’ve got me fucked up with somebody else, so take that delightful attitude of yours and direct the vitriol elsewhere.

                    And, to be very clear, the South is 99% Christian nationalists, particularly in the Bible belt. Zero percent of them are worth saving. None.