I have spent some time today trying to get openRGB to work controlling my sapphire 7900xtx nitro+ and have been unsuccessful.

The openRGB website says that it’s supported but I have been unable to turn the LED off

screen freezes or goes black screen when running openrgb. entire system hangs and needs to be hard reset. seems to occur at time of detecting devices.


Motherboard: ASUS ROG STRIX X670E-I
GPU: 7900 xtx
OS: Fedora 39
KDE Plasma: 5.27.11
Kernel Version: 6.7.10-200.fc39.x86_64 (64-bit)
Windowing System: X11
OpenRGB 0.91

installed the UDEV rules manually
added the acpi_enforce_resources=lax Kernel Parameters
installed i2c-tools and added $USER to i2c group

sample output i was able to copy at time of crash:

$ openrgb --loglevel 6
Attempting to connect to local OpenRGB server.
Connection attempt failed
Local OpenRGB server unavailable.
Running standalone.
[i2c_smbus_linux] Failed to read i2c device PCI device ID
[i2c_smbus_linux] Failed to read i2c device PCI device ID
[i2c_smbus_linux] Failed to read i2c device PCI device ID
[i2c_smbus_linux] Failed to read i2c device PCI device ID
[i2c_smbus_linux] Failed to read i2c device PCI device ID

logs are empty, just shows the following:

    OpenRGB v0.91
    Commit:  from 
    Launched: 20240401_091151

tried the following arguments;
--no-detect results in an empty GUI as expected, but at least the application opens. attempting to detect devices from here results in a system freeze
-l results in a system freeze and a hard reset

one thing i’m curious about, the README mentions using sudo modprobe i2c-piix4 on AMD systems, however when i check the applied mods, this is my result. is this expected?

$ lsmod | grep i2c
i2c_piix4              32768  0
i2c_algo_bit           20480  1 amdgpu
i2c_dev                28672  2

$ cat /etc/modules-load.d/i2c.conf

does this look correct?