Telegraph investigation reveals those on front line are being exposed to gases banned during wartime

Russian troops are carrying out a systematic campaign of illegal chemical attacks against Ukrainian soldiers, according to a Telegraph investigation.

The Telegraph spoke to a number of Ukrainian soldiers deployed in positions across the front line who detailed how their positions have been coming under near daily attacks from small drones, mainly dropping tear gas but also other chemicals.

The use of such gas, which is known as CS and commonly used by riot police, is banned during wartime under the Chemical WeaponsConvention.

Ihor, the commander of a Ukrainian reconnaissance team who is deployed near the front line city of Chasiv Yar, in Donetsk Oblast, told The Telegraph: “Nearly every position in our area of the front was getting one or two gas grenades dropped on them a day.”

    6 months ago

    States will never hold them accountable. People still could.

    Every oligarch needs to die, their families (barring objectors/dissenters) need to die, their pets need to die, their names need to be made into swears or slurs, and their graves need to be industrially pissed on.

    Bonus: doing this today would end the war, and save millions of lives on both sides. Would still be messy; feels would still be in a bad way, there would be a lot of digging to do, next winter might be rough, globally, but it would end, and nobody else would have to die (except in unrest and famines caused by already extant damage to farming infrastructure; shot’s in the air, just hasn’t landed yet)