For context, I’m on an iPhone using Firefox. I can’t use uBlock Origin, but am ready to block on the DNS level after this.

      6 months ago

      A closed source OS of a company that has broken every anti-trust law, thats sells phones with no headphone jack or charger and calls it features and you tell me it does not sell data. Google and Apple are two of the same Monster. But you can not modify you Iphone whatsoever, Jailbreaking an Iphone is a pain in the ass, while in Android isnt a breeze either it is much easier. Android in it self (Android Open Source Project) kicks any iOS in the ass. The problem is that vendors put a thick layer of their version of android. If you get your hands on a phone that is compatible with Lineage Os (very close to (AOSP) you can escape Googles jail for good. And while agree with tou that Google’s Android is bad it ia certainly not any worse than iOS. Do not take my word for it, just ask any developer.