There are a few subreddits I check out from time to time because Lemmy doesn’t have the volume of users required to keep those niche conversations active.

Wow, what a pain! There’s so much hostility and byzantine rules. It’s just not worth it.

    6 months ago

    Omg I agree with all of that so hard, as well.

    The purpose of the conspiracy theories being less “here, believe this one thing” and more “somewhere, somehow, there is corruption in the government” (uh… duh?), and then promising to go in and fix it, which I guess gets taken at face value b/c the person “looks like” the message recipient, in some manners that count?

    But also, Trump never did “win”, so much as Clinton “lost”. And then later Biden did not “win” so much as Trump “lost”. Before that, Romney lost, before that McCain, and on and on it goes. So all the conservatives have to do to make Trump palatable - that guy who “Christians” like despite how he barges into little girls dressing rooms while they are changing, and talks about grabbing women by the actual irl genitals - is to make Biden seem worse.

    Which both Biden, by virtue of doing things in a boring manner, and the news media, by chasing after what bleeds & therefore leads, are cooperating along with to make happen. I dunno, I really hope they can pull it together in the next several months - the clock is ticking, and this time the literal planet Earth may be on the line (not only WWIII, but also climate change seems to have suddenly jumped towards us by something like ~100 years quicker than we expected - btw I entirely made that number up, but that Arctic temperature spike of 38.9°C/70°F in a single day does lend such a “feels like” statement some credibility doesn’t it!?).

    Meanwhile, people are gullible as hell - but since we know that, why aren’t we doing anything about it? Then again, I’m not smart enough to know what things might possibly work in that regard:-D.

      6 months ago

      Meanwhile, people are gullible as hell - but since we know that, why aren’t we doing anything about it?

      Or using it for good? The Democrats have been consistently out-maneuvered for years now because the Republicans know how to manipulate the public. So why aren’t the Democrats running “trump is a socialist” campaigns? Why aren’t they showing clips of everything he’s ever said that supports socialism, showing how much government support his businesses get, and that sort of stuff? Perhaps they feel like they’re taking the high road, but the high road is washing out in a storm and fascism is growing. I think they’re partially inept. They want good things, but consistently fail to deliver on them and then blame the Republicans for their failures. It makes me think of this old Simpson s episode: