Saw this today, and … well, I’m not going to be so forgiving to people suggesting to vote Third Party rather than vote for Biden. If Trump wants me to do something, and you want me to do that same something, that tells me you’re aligned with Trump.

      6 months ago

      Will you address the fact that Trump is much, much worse for Palestinians? You and the rest of your ilk have been dodging that. Address it directly, or GTFO.

        6 months ago

        Threatening people is never a good look.

        I didn’t like Biden in the 80s when he voted on a constitutional amendment for states to over turn Roe v Wade. I didn’t like Biden in the 90s when he reinforced the war on drugs and drastically increased the prison population. I didn’t like Biden in the 2000s when he supported the Patriot Act, the Iraq war, and removed the ability to default on student loans. And I still don’t like him today when he claims he’ll undo some of the awful shit he did if we vote for him just one more time, all while supporting a genocide and inching us closer and closer to an all out war in the middle east.

        So no, I won’t be bullied. If your candidate sucks, and you parties policies suck, that’s on you.

          6 months ago

          OK, filing you away under “textbook example of what the article is about.”

          Have a nice life.

          6 months ago

          Yes, Biden sucks. Nobody disagrees. But that’s still not addressing the problem of the only other viable candidate—Trump—being considerably worse.

          • TheHiddenCatboy@lemmy.worldOP
            6 months ago

            I’m actually going to disagree that Biden sucks. Biden did the best he could with what he was given. Let’s remember:

            • Biden was handed an epic shitshow of a situation when he took office.
            • He was given ZERO help by the previous administration. They did everything in their power to gimp Biden out the gate. That he managed to handle COVID so well is a testament to his skills and determination.
            • Inflation was beginning before COVID, and thus before Biden. It started with electronics, where combinations of chip shortages and tariffs on Chinese imports saw prices of GPUs and game machines and so on skyrocket. I remember the ridiculous costs of the 30x0 GPUs thanks to bitcoin mining and then Trump went Tariff Happy. ** No plans at all on how we were supposed to buy stuff that didn’t have the Chinese Import Tariff on it. No plans, at least, until Biden took office and passed the Chips Act.
            • Biden actually DID implement Student Loan forgiveness. Between my wife and I, we’d have saved 40k USD on our loans, but the Trump Supreme Court, brought on by people voting Stein in 2016 (and Nader in 2000) ensured we got zip. Biden’s trying to work around the Supreme Court, even now, but of course, Republicans know the court is their friend. They knew that the Court was NOT their friend in 2000 and 2016, but we forgot that the court was our friend during those elections and now the Court is most definitely NOT our friend, but Biden is doing the best he can with what we gave him.
            • The Chips and Infrastructure Acts, and the various COVID era funding helped pull a LOT of people out of the fire.

            I see jerks who come in and complain they didn’t get what they want to be akin to staying home on the election because they didn’t get the shiny rainbow unicorn they SWORE they were promised. Like a petulant child stomping his feet because he didn’t get the Christmas gift he begged Santa for, just before he threw a screaming temper tantrum in the Mall when his parents were warning him that Santa knows when he’s been naughty. An immature git that deserves to be taken over a knee and swatted, or just outright ignored, rather than indulged.

            Inflation sucks. These last 4 years have been difficult, and not everybody has gotten out in one piece. But it was worse for a whole hell of a lot of people when Trump was in office, and he promises to make it hard for those people again if he gets in office. We can’t reach out to the Trumpers, but let’s NOT do their dirty work for them!

              6 months ago

              By all means, abstain. Just don’t expect to have earned the right to complain when one of those two candidates still wins and does something you don’t like.

        • TheHiddenCatboy@lemmy.worldOP
          6 months ago

          Wow. You did a good job illustrating exactly why I’m not going to play nice with you people anymore. You’re lying and distorting the truth in order to make it more likely that people like my wife are ground under the bootheel of Team Pepe authoritarianism this time next year. Let’s break this down a bit, shall we?

          Your claim that Biden voted for a constitutional amendment for States to overturn Roe v Wade omits the fact that he voted against it the next time Shithead Hatch presented it. Why don’t you explain to the class why you felt it necessary to distort Biden’s record, holding him accountable for a vote he has already acknowledged he got wrong by voting against it the second time it was presented, eh?

          And the Iraq War? Yes, Biden got that vote wrong. He bought Bush’s lies that this was about bringing Hussein to the negotiation table, like a lot of us did in that time. The guy even admitted he got it wrong as early as 2005. What more can you ask? The guy can’t go back in time and fix his mistake. He can just own up to it. And let me tell you, I was on the same page as Biden back in 2003, when it seemed that Hussein was holding onto weapons and helping the people that attacked us on 9/11. I hoped we would use the same things that Biden hoped we would use – diplomacy and the threat of the big stick to convince Hussein to let the weapons inspectors back in and comply with the mandates the UN put on him.

          The Patriot Act was indeed one of the darkest moments of American history, a knee-jerk reaction to 9/11 that we should have gotten rid of far sooner than we did. Biden was instrumental in getting it passed, for sure. But it expired in 2020…and despite Biden being in office for 4 years, it has not been reauthorised. Again, are we not to give him credit for what he’s done since these horrible things he did? Is he to be held accountable for everything he’s ever done, with no chance of redemption? I think that’s really damn stupid, or a plot by a really evil person to try to eat away at Biden’s voter base in order to get somebody far worse elected.

          Let me remind you who is on the other side of the equation – a man who bragged he could grab any woman he wanted by the privates, who ran the country headfirst off the cliff of Covid because he thought it was some Democratic Party plot, who pulled us out of Kyoto AND scrubbed any mention of climate change from the website, who got into a trade war with China without any plans for how to deal with our reliance on cheap Chinese manufacturing (causing the inflation we are dealing with, in part), and who referred to the shitheads that killed minorities, gays, and liberals as ‘good people’. I also remind you that he plans on being “Dictator for a Day” should he win in 2024, and will implement Project 2025, a nightmarish scenario for gays, minorities, transgender folk, environmentalists, scientific thinkers, and liberals of all stripes. And need I remind you that Roe v. Wade went down thanks to Trump.

          One of two people will win the election in 2024. You can’t change this. Either the guy who may not be liberal enough for you wins, and we make slow and halting progress on all Left-Wing priorities, or the guy who is an utter shithead gets into office and everything we’ve worked for in the past 100 years gets torn down. Gay marriage? Gone. Minority rights? Gone. Freedom to worship or not worship according to one’s desires? Gone. Freedom to protest our government? Remember the white vans that disappeared people during the George Floyd protests? Yeah, gone too. Oh, yeah, and IVF and contraception is gone, and women’s rights are gone. It’s very likely that your 2028 election will look like the one Putin just ‘won’, corrupted and replaced with ‘vote for Master Trump or suffer’. We aren’t kidding when we say that this is the most important election ever. It’s a rehash of 2020, which was the most important election ever (prompting me to donate money to a politician for the first time in my goddamn life…) at that time.

          So. There’s one of two things you could be. Either you are…

          • Somebody so stupidly obstinate that you’d vote against your best interests because you’re blinded for your hatred of Biden and can’t see the fucking blindingly obvious truth that Trump is 100 times fucking worse than even your stupid caricature of Biden
          • Somebody who is an evil sack of shit that would rather see Trump win so he’s here trying to convince us we should not vote for Biden, despite the blindingly fucking obvious truth that Trump is 1000 times fucking worse than Biden.

          So, which is it? Are you a moron, or are you an asshole? Either way…this article wasn’t meant for you. It was meant for the people you and your fellow sockpuppets full of excrement are trying to convince to let Trump win the fucking election.

          Per Rule 6, I am not allowed to call you what I really want to call you, nor use the strength of language I feel you and your fellow … ahem, ‘dissidents’ deserve. Therefore, I’ll just say it this way. You can buzz off, pal. You aren’t convincing me of your nonsense, and the only reason I’m here is to tell people who might fall for your … BS…yeah, I’ll call it that…is that this person trying to convince you to vote third party or stay home is full of nonsense and will lead this country into ruin. So, do us all a favour and piss off, would ya?