Very well, you seem to definitely know this stuff better than me! I based my comment on this answer and getting this myself on Mint 21.3:
$ cat /etc/debian_version
But reading a bit closer, I think this is the key part:
That’s how, for example, Ubuntu 20.04, released in April 2020, can be based on Debian 11 “Bullseye”, which was released in August 2021.
So Ubuntu probably pulled Bookworm before it was released, and before it upgraded policykit. But it’s still to some extent based on Bookworm. Does that sound right?
Very well, you seem to definitely know this stuff better than me! I based my comment on this answer and getting this myself on Mint 21.3:
$ cat /etc/debian_version bookworm/sid
But reading a bit closer, I think this is the key part:
So Ubuntu probably pulled Bookworm before it was released, and before it upgraded policykit. But it’s still to some extent based on Bookworm. Does that sound right?
Yeah, Ubuntu pulls in the development version of Debian
“Sid” is the unstable name for Debian - where packages are being tested for the next release
Debian Bookworm was released 2023
Ubuntu LTS and Debian have tended to release on a two year cadence offset by a year