While rebutting another post here on Lemmy, I ran into this. This says exactly what I want to say.

I am not a friend of Biden’s Administration. I think they drug their feet over a variety of things ranging from holding Trump and his goons accountable for January 6th through rulemaking on issues like OTC Birth Control and abortion rights, and yes, I think he’s too quick to please big business. But then I remember what the alternative is, and … well, disappointed in Biden or not, I’m voting for him. Because my wife is a Black bisexual goth woman, four strikes under Team Pepe’s tent. And I have my own strikes for marrying her as a White dude, and respecting her right to not have kids since she doesn’t want them is another strike against me. And I care about my Non-Christian, Gay, Transgender, and Minority friends, and will never willingly subject them to Team Pepe.

  • TranscendentalEmpire@lemm.ee
    6 months ago

    The police I was speaking of with the line 'unmarked, literally secret as in unknown, police came in and abducted people protesting the murder of a Black dude` referred to the Federal agents that abducted and abused people in Seattle protesting the police you are mentioning murdering a Black dude. Before you throw an ad-hominem masquerading as an accusation of logical fallacy, maybe try reading the entire damn sentence and understanding what it says?

    And with what authority can presidents order federal agents to secretly arrest US citizens…? My point still stands. The president is not in charge of federal officers working the streets, Trump had nothing to do with that, they were just doing cop shit, they are still doing cop shit.

    Because you have one of two options, Biden or Trump, in the upcoming election, and if Biden doesn’t win, Trump will, and my argument is that will be WORSE.

    No shit. That doesn’t mean I have to pretend the old man is a decent person or president. If you want progressive changes you have to be willing to share your discontent. If the old man thinks everyone is happy with his ethnic cleansing, why would he stop?

    If you’re REALLY interested in holding Biden accountable, you should be turning out in EVERY election, and voting the progressive in the primary, and the Democrat in the general.

    Lol, I’m willing to bet I’ve been voting for longer than you’ve been an adult. And like I said, it doesn’t really matter who I vote for in my locality, my state literally doesn’t have a Democrat in anything higher than the city office.

    To borrow Biden’s phrasing for this, what a load of malarkey. Again, try reading the whole thing. If you’re not White, not only was this not directed at you, if you let Trump get into office, you just committed an own-goal. Then again, you can be anything you want on the Internet, where the Men are Men, the Women are Men, the Children are FBI Agents, and nobody, and I mean nobody knows I’m a cat, so it’s not like a White Conservative can pretend to be a Black Liberal disillusioned by Biden who will stay home.

    Oh, I’m sorry I didn’t know that the people of color could not criticize the president without being a race betrayer…

    I mean, I am not saying you’re that guy, but that guy IS out there and so it’s my job to tell you if you’re a minority that has run into that ‘Black Liberal disillusioned by Biden’ that if you do the stupid thing and stay home or vote Third Party in the General, Trump’s telling you in his own words that he’ll be retribution against you for all the times you inconvenienced a White dude…

    Lol, I’m not black either. Pretty typical of white liberals to only think in a dichotomy of just black and white, and primarily only around election season…

    You do understand that you’ve done nothing but prove my point right? I didn’t say I wouldn’t vote for the guy, I just said we should be able to criticize him without people like you implying it is racist to do so.

    You can’t convince more than 26% of people to say they are liberals. Don’t we all get a say, including the ~25% of us who will vote a Democrat in but don’t think we’re Liberals? And don’t forget: that’s 26% who say they are Liberals, not Progressives.

    A single study that only details how people feel about loaded political definitions is hardly an argument. Democrats overwhelmingly approve of increasing taxes on the wealthy, of reacting to our rapid climate change, to not involving ourselves with a genocide, and to policies like Medicare for all.

    Americans are just overwhelmingly undereducated when it comes to political theory and language.

    Nobody is saying you MUST go vote for Biden. Nobody’s holding a gun to your head and forcing you to hit that button for Biden. Stay home and don’t vote or vote for Jill Stein.

    Lol, what have you been doing all over this thread? All I did was criticize the man and you essentially called me a race betrayer, and simultaneously doubted my ethnicity…

    The good plan is to start RIGHT FUCKING NOW and put your money and your body where your mouth is and support progressives across your state in Primary elections, and have conversations with the 40% of Americans who don’t like labels like ‘Liberal’ or ‘Conservative’ why they should like your label and convince them that your answers really ARE the right answers and that they should vote with your guy or gal despite the big money moderate squishy dem saying they aren’t.

    Lol, you really took that study as a literal reflection of American demographics… Did you ever think that maybe people don’t like labeling themselves?

    Also, I’ve been involved in organizing in local politics for nearly two decades now. Mostly just working with NGO once the democratic party died in the state, but that happened fairly recently.

    Again, my entire point was that progressives should be able lay legitimate criticism towards the president without being lectured too about party loyalty. And that it is not an accomplishment to only be considered a decent president when compared to quite possibly the worst president in the history of the country.

    You response was to become a petulant little child, who was so self righteous they thought they could whitesplain racial politics to a person on color. Bravo.