Today, I got to thinking: what are some of Lemmy’s“go to” ways of maintaining focus, or getting their focus and concentration back after becoming distracted or being pulled away by other things “demanding” attention?

I really struggled with work today. Just an overwhelming amount of outstanding projects and assignments and client deadlines. Felt stressed and that resulted in me being avoidance and procrastinating and mindlessly doing everything BUT what I needed to do to stop feeling stressed and get stuff off my plate.

When you get stuck in those types of situations, what do you find are the best strategies to “snap out of it” and get back to work or being productive?

  • Che
    6 months ago

    Pad/paper & pen

    Top left list: shit i need to do now

    Top right list: lower priority, but need to be done this week

    Bottom left: things i am absolutely able to procrastinate on, personal things, hopes, dreams, wishes

    Bottom right: long term goals/projects

    everywhere else: doodles…lots of doodles.

    Also, your brain is stupid. For example, if you have started the list after completing a couple tasks that day write them down and cross them off anyway, you will still get that sense of accomplishment & won’t feel stuck trying to get started.