Australia reported its first human case of avian influenza on Wednesday in a child who authorities said had been infected in India but made a full recovery, while a different highly contagious strain was found on an egg farm.

The H5N1 strain of avian flu has swept the globe in recent years, killing billions of farmed and wild birds and spreading to tens of mammal species.

Health authorities in Australia’s southeastern state of Victoria said contact tracing had not identified any further cases and there was a very low chance of others becoming infected as the flu does not easily spread between people.

“This is the first confirmed human case of highly pathogenic avian influenza in Australia,” Dr Claire Looker, the state’s chief health officer, said in a statement.

      4 months ago

      Hot news from down under! A third and fourth case, all three latest cases were all cops who had identified the first case. They found out at a cop convention right after comiccon!

      Authorities assure us that the virus is not specifically spreading via airborne particles. We repeat not airborne!

      Also India is reporting a full pandemic and closing their borders. But flights are AOK, specially to the Giants game in the USA.

      N95 masks are now 29.99 each at Costco. But fear not, N120 masks from China are still 3 dollars per 12 on eBay.