Either nothing or a ticket for causing a disturbance (don’t know what it is in that jurisdiction), depending on how good your speakers are and how assholish the cops are feeling that day. It would take way more speaker quality than a ghetto blaster has to get the sound right. I’m really not sure speakers can get the rip of air from a bullet right. Never heard it done. Just play Paper Planes and you have plausible deniability
Either nothing or a ticket for causing a disturbance (don’t know what it is in that jurisdiction), depending on how good your speakers are and how assholish the cops are feeling that day. It would take way more speaker quality than a ghetto blaster has to get the sound right. I’m really not sure speakers can get the rip of air from a bullet right. Never heard it done. Just play Paper Planes and you have plausible deniability
As long as it makes trump & his supporters think it might be real…