Gotta have something growing under the Elms and real Maples. Shiiit if the Japanese Maples are putting out 20:1 leaves of the big leafers and the big leafers are a buck then I might be better off planting 5 Lil Japanese Maples per big leafer.
Really tho the money is in the purple leaf Maples. Those fuckers make it rain leaves, are dwarves of pure Maples but still bigger than Japanese (idk if those are even real maple trees). Best of all tho, all their leaves are the same size as pure maple trees.
Omg fuckin yes. It was so awesome. It was during a brief period when mp3 hit the stage but before ipod was God, there were mp3 players that would just pop up like a memory stick in windows and you could limewire whatever you wanted for music onto the players.
IDK if the software was Sony but the player was and you could put your whole limewire library in a small single CD per page zip up binder things. The mp3 saved on the cd was nothing special. The special was no audio players could play mp3 files at that time. Exceptions being: gaming consoles, pc’s and maybe your surround sound if it was new. Cars were still nobs and buttons.