I was actually looking in to that last night. I’ll probably try it once but I do wonder if the time it would take would be worth the money saved.
I was actually looking in to that last night. I’ll probably try it once but I do wonder if the time it would take would be worth the money saved.
This is a neat idea, I’ll give it a shot next time we have some!
Not my GPU but my friend’s. He has nothing but good things to say about it. $600 USD which translates to ~£540, but obviously buying it over there the price might be different .
That is possible, though from my limited experience (2 call centers) companies won’t tell Customer Service reps to deny knowledge of something that is public knowledge. They will have some sort of carefully constructed public statement instead. And most reps don’t care enough to do anything besides repeat the statement, possibly verbatim.
I’ve worked adjacent to customer service people in a call center. Honestly, they might not have known. Call centers are frequently terrible about giving their reps news BEFORE customers start calling in about it. Plus, low level call center reps generally aren’t exactly star employees and may or may not pay attention when told things.
I am assuming he won't be able to go to bed at a decent time. I wake up at 6:30am most days and I know I couldn't go to bed at 6:30pm. If he woke up at 3pm, it would be a tall order to fall asleep before ~4am I'd figure. Which gives him ~3 hours of sleep.
I can't speak for OP, but some people sleep through alarms if they haven't slept enough. My oldest will legit just sleep through his phone alarm if it has been less than 5 hours since he went to bed. I've just heard his alarm go off in his room for 20 minutes straight before I walk in there and shake him awake. Shit is a problem.
It was Epic exclusive on PC I believe
I have 3 step children (I am step dad) they were 13, 10 and 8 when I met them, currently 18, 15 and 12 (birthday soon). When I met them, the primary family activity they did with their bio dad was watching movies and playing video games. They also all slept with a TV on in their room. My girlfriend at the time, now wife, had nothing but an old xbox 360 for video games and they had an old CRT box TV in the bedroom the 3 kids shared. As a result, they did not watch a lot of TV at her house or play a lot of games.
Currently, we do not limit the screens of the 18 year old at all. He has a job and is moving out in <2 months, he can do what he wants with his free time as long as it is not disruptive to anybody else.
Our youngest REALLY likes video games. As a result, we let him play pretty much as much as he wants if he is not at school. That said, he is on 2 soccer teams (middle school and travel) and he works out extra at home. As a result, he usually has about 30 minutes of screen time a day during the school week. Plus he has his phone to play games on the school bus. He does not have Youtube or any streaming apps on his phone though. He is allowed to sleep with the TV on Friday nights only, to celebrate the school week being over. Weekends are screen heavy as well, except for tournament weekends or regular game days. Honestly he is a good and active child so we let him use more screens than would maybe be healthy. Summer is a bit different t, where we force him to go outside and play at least a few hours a day, but otherwise let him do what he wants, so lots of screens there.
Our middle child is not big in to screens, they like to draw and listen to music and use makeup kinda like face paint. They also play volleyball and are not home till 830 most school nights anyways. As a result, they probably only use ~3 or 4 hours of screens a week, not counting changing songs on Spotify.
If they were my bio kids and I’d been there their whole lives, I think they would all use screens less, except maybe the middle. As is, I am mostly glad it is no longer the primary form of entertainment for my middle child and that my youngest is so active.
My job got everybody branded hydroflasks ~3 years ago. I don’t work there any more, but I pretty much never leave the house without that bottle.
My house bottle is a 1.5L Bubba bottle from Walmart. Had that about a year and a half so far and it is holding up well.
I’m hoping they fix it so it will actually use all my power. Both my graphics card and processor sit at ~50% usage and low temp, while I drop frames when locked at 30fps. I’m still in act 1 but as it is now, I am concerned about when I reach act 3, since they say that is much harder on performance.
Agreed, I use them when I’m doing chores around the house if my wife isn’t doing stuff in the same room as me. Sound quality obviously isn’t superb but it is good enough for me and way better than I would expect.
Health is actually half the reason I started running. I’ve lost ~50lbs over a couple years and want to lose more.
And I want to agree on SLOW. When I first started I did C25K and I was running my little 1 minute increments at like a 15 minute mile pace, then walking in between increments. But eventually I got to where I could run that 15 minute mile pace for 30 minutes at a time, and then I started working on speed. I’m down to almost being able to run a 10K in 35 minutes in a hilly environment, or being able to run for ~45 minutes at a slower pace. I tried many times in my 20s to start running and I always got discouraged because I’d try C25K, but do the running parts at a ~9 minute mile pace and it was killing me. Realizing I needed to start slow got me where I wanted to be.
I’ve actually been looking at Altra’s at the suggestion of a Youtuber I like. I should probably just bite the bullet and grab them. I have a super wide toebox and a normal width heel, so shoes are always weird for me. Up until now I’ve just stuck with New Balance, I just have to order them online because a 13 4E is hard to find in store
I remember my friends and I doing this in 2008. This really is super old
Running. Not as expensive as a lot of the things posted about here, but my shoes cost ~$150 and I have replaced them a couple times a year. I’m planning to get in to trail running soon (as opposed to running circles in my neighborhood, so now I want to add a running vest and a GPS watch, which is not cheap.
Considering that in theory all you need to run is your body and an open space, I feel like I have spent a lot of money.
EDIT: I forgot the ~$140 bone conducting headphones I bought! I for sure feel safer with them than my old headphones though, since I have been doing almost all of my running till now on the road.
Not in my part of Virginia, but I assume this would be a pretty regional if it is happening
That game was one of my favorite games. I moved somewhere with fast enough internet to get Xbox Live for the first time like 2 months after it came out and I sank so much time in to it. Ended up playing Halo more because that is what all my friends played but man that game was good.
Creeper World 4 is fun and not terribly long. It is basically a tower defense game, but instead of guarding a set path toy build towers to defend against, then push back, physics simulator liquid that kills whatever it touches.
Shadow Tactics: Blades of the Shogun, you play a small group of ninjas (and a samurai) in a top down stealth game. Takes place in feudal Japan and you assassinate your way through the plot.
Superhot. FPS with a weird plot about VR and a rogue computer program. The gimmick is if you stop moving, time stops around you (almost), allowing you to slow down and plan.
Lastly and is a game called Soccer Kids Alpha. It is literally the alpha version of the game so it is SUPER short. It is a turn based soccer game, but without the grid based system that some other games use. The alpha is great and we’ll worth the very short time it takes to finish
Not somewhere I had considered looking but we have one nearby, I’ll check it out