My first distro was Redhat back in like 96? Then I moved to Slackware and never looked back and still use it today.
My first distro was Redhat back in like 96? Then I moved to Slackware and never looked back and still use it today.
Haha wow. What next?!
I’m actually surprised anyone is left on that shell of a platform.
It all started with the socialably acceptable alcohol which I drank to extremes then came weed followed by the hard drugs later in life.
I got clean by turning up at a Narcotics Anonymous meeting and getting myself a sponsor and working the steps.
Just for Today - I’m clean and have a positive outlook on life
Slackware is still my go to, but I have many diatros installed on VM’s.
I’m actually looking into purchasing a Surface Pro 7/8 to replace my current laptop, and was wondering about compatibility for dual booting