I like ice cream!
I like ice cream!
No, I’m saying that it’s up to you and your fellow countrymen. If you want to start a violent uprising, go ahead. But do something more than sit on your butt and argue on the computer. I know what I’m doing in the real world about my own country, and how it is being affected by your country.
I know the problems in my country, and the monarchy is the least of them, given that they are merely a symbol.
I don’t expect you to fix the problem yourself. I expect you to act. Remember the Declaration of Independence. Hold your representatives accountable by any means necessary.
It’s sad that you resort to attacking an archaic political structure, instead of acknowledging that your current leader is broken, and is breaking your country.
Fix your country, American, instead of wasting your time on here, casting feeble insults. Act in the real world, not on here.
Ok, so you’re a troll. Thank you for the clarification.
My statement still stands. You need to clean up your own mess, how you and your fellow citizens decide to do that is up to you. You do have the Declaration of Independence, the Second Amendment, and the ability.
I’m Canadian. Do something about your problem, you’re fucking up my country too.
You didn’t answer my question about the current administrations Gaza policy, nor will I waste time trying to discuss the minutiae of your statement.
Either answer my question directly, or the conclusion that can be drawn is that you are an agent of the current administration trying to distract people from actually mounting a useful opposition against the current attempt to kill America as we know it.
We’re not talking about Palestine currently. Unless you’re purposefully trying to derail the conversation in order to blunt opposition to ORAGNE and his South African chimp.
Incidentally, what do you think of ORAGNE policy on Gaza?
They need to release one new song, it would be appropriate. Don’t let the fascists win.
That’s the joke.
What else is new with these clowns?
They are the ones who have the most ability to hold ORAGNE accountable. Keep the pressure on your Democrat representatives to DO THEIR FUCKING JOB! Signed, a concerned Canadian.
Walk softly, and carry a big stick. You have the Declaration of Independence and the Boston Tea Party to guide any future actions you take to stop your current fascist leader. DO SOMETHING. You’re fucking up my country too.
They need to be chokeslammed to the wall at every turn. Otherwise they win.
Who said I wasn’t paying attention? Who said the speed of time was defined by the span of one human life?
It is quick in terms of the lives of nations. I say quick in terms of a perspective of decades vs. centuries.
So AOC is supposed to be silent and let ORAGNE paint the town red?