The GPUs aren’t even a drop in the bucket for Intel. While Gelsinger had the right ideas, he wanted everything all at once which just wasn’t doable.
The GPUs aren’t even a drop in the bucket for Intel. While Gelsinger had the right ideas, he wanted everything all at once which just wasn’t doable.
The pain is in your back and your knees.
Greetings, fellow geezer!
Get off my lawn you pesky whippersnapper!
Anyone who says Mint is unstable doesn’t know what they’re talking about. Mint is great if you just want to install and forget. Any rolling release distro will always require more effort to keep it running. Mint updates are largely painless.
If it wasn’t for the non-uninstallable crapware, that would indeed be a consideration.
Can confirm. This is exactly how it works. I use Mint, BTW.
Manjaro isn’t the best choice if you value ease of use and stability.
Less corporate shitfuckery all around. Right now Windows pretty much has a monopoly on the desktop, which is why they have completely stopped caring about users. Once Linux gets above ten percent market share or so, they’ll take notice. And then whine about “communism” or some bullshit.
But I’m an honest man.
No, but that’s where the catfish are.
No. Windows 7 was pretty good. Certainly a better desktop experience than Linux at the time (go on, roast me, I’ve got my flame proof undies on). Windows 10 started out pretty decent, until they ramped up the enshittification. I used Windows for over 30 years and never saw any reason to switch, although I’ve worked with Unix before Windows was even a thing. Only in the last couple of years did it really become unbearable. And I wouldn’t even consider ever using Win11 on any personal machine.
You absolutely can. Most open source projects accept donations.
You can like something and still make fun of it, you know?
The date doesn’t happen to live at the bottom of a pond, does she?
What are you talking about? Didn’t you know that only Linux has technical problems?
The Trump depression is going to make 2008 look like a walk in the park.
No, she uses pure carbon.
That he prefers Edge’s mother’s cooking.
Taking a long term view rather than exclusively focusing on the next quarter’s numbers.