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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023

  • Nah. I mean fuck the wealthy etc. They absolutely are part of the problem. But many of them depend on migrants and immigrants. The reason Democrats and Republicans are both courting the xenophobic bigot vote. Is because they’re unfortunately one of the largest most influential groups. Blame education, talk radio, social and corporate media. They’re all at fault. But more importantly so are their product. The median xenophobic American.

    As a first nations descendant, i can safely say. America has always been a bigoted racist country. We were one of the last industrialized western nations to end slavery. And 150 years on. We’re actually still debating whether that was a good thing or not. Decades of tolerating fascists and racists has seen them flourish. And we’ve seemingly learned nothing.

  • Policy that never gets implemented is meaningless. It cannot be better. I mean if that weren’t the case you’d be a fool not to elect me. Because of my policy is that every person in America gets a million dollars. And I guarantee you that will help people far more than anything Stein is proposing.

    What the Simple Minds don’t comprehend or want to understand. Is that Jill Stein is in many ways exactly like Donald Trump. They will tell you what you want to hear. Regardless of their ability to deliver on it.

    All liberal policy sucks. Regardless of whether it’s conservative or progressive. Their reflexive recoiling from anything even tangentially related to socialism. Their need to shove capitalism in everything especially in places it should never be. If you vote for conservative. You get sodomized against your will. Dry and rough. When you vote for progressive. They sodomize you against your will still. But they will be gentle about it provide lube and even sometimes a reach around. Voting for Jill Stein you are lied to and told that the outcome will be better than either of those. Only to find that you will still be sodomized dry by a conservative. Only now Jill Stein and Putin will be standing behind you high-fiving. Which is actually worse.

    Not to demean or Kink shame those that like sodomy. But even they like some consideration from their partner. Something which sadly only one of the parties currently in this presidential election can actually offer.

  • Or just hear me out, the green party stops playing spoiler every 4 years. Proving that their platform is meaningless and empty. And instead focuses on running and recruiting for state and local legislature to actually pass ranked Choice voting. And where it makes sense, such as offices no Democrat is running for. Recruit and endorsed a candidate to run as the combined democrat/green party candidate. Instead of constantly splitting the vote helping conservatives and the bourgeoisie.

  • The ambiguity is ironically a good sign. That she isn’t outright committed to the status quo. But rather not willing to signal her actual position. If she came out strongly against Israel and for Palestine. Unfortunately that would be a large hindrance to her candidacy in the current climate.

    It’s a shame that those illegally occupying Palestine have such influence over our government. Especially after their terrorist attacks of the last few days. Not to mention the decades long slow genocide that’s only accelerated in the last year.

  • Some? Yes. Far too many? Absolutely. All? Not even close. Most current Teamsters were still in grade school and kindergarten when Reagan broke the unions. As a group they’ve been through 40 plus years of mergers, consolidation, and closures. And are now facing down what looks like an inevitable Extinction in the face of automation. Yes the Republicans engineered it. Democrats of last 40 years helping every step of the way.

    It’s still mental for them to be supporting republicans. But no one is offering them any salvation at all. Ultimately what’s more natural in the face of creeping capitalist Extinction then nihilism?

  • You get what you give. If you don’t like it. You’re free to behave differently.

    Anyone using the term “blue maga” in any capacity other than to call out and ridicule those using it seriously. Are either dishonest, trolling, and or uninformed. Worse if they do it hypocritically from a Leninist associated domain.

    You can, and I do generally dislike liberals. But also be honest about them, and work with them where interests align. Which yes, even as someone ideologically libertarian/anarchist communist it definitely happens. Actually more often than my interests align with leninists. Who unironically and proudly just sentenced someone to more than a year in prison that over a fucking shirt because of course that brain rotted ideology would.

  • Not even libertarian. Just another uninformed delusional economic liberal. Who thinks just because we’ve tried something and was proven that it failed. Doesn’t somehow mean it won’t work if we just keep trying to do the same thing and failing over and over again

    Libertarian at best. But lacking the intelligence and empathy to actually be libertarian.