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Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: February 25th, 2024


  • Some classics are good enough to read. The problem is in forcing kids to try to do in-depth analysis. Even Charles Dickens or Charlotte Bronte isn’t all that bad to read, until you are squinting at every third word and wondering if this could mean something in the context of the whole book and just maybe you can write about it well enough in your stupid journal that you really want a B in so your parents don’t whip you with the belt again.

  • Just look at the two paragraphs: "To be sure, millions of these petrified Americans believe the Democrats have gleefully allowed the “woke” left of their party to systematically destroy everything or every institution they depend upon for quality-of-life issues. Be those pertaining to energy independence, higher education, housing, the financial system, the supply chain, border security, the military, the medical and pharmaceutical industry, the media or entertainment. The woke left now dictates — with the blessing of Democratic politician enablers — that all must now be viewed and run through the distorted lens of identity politics.

    But when these same millions of hurting Americans turn their eyes toward a Republican Party that promises to reverse all the damage being done by the left, they see only out-of-touch elitists doing the bidding of the corporate elites, while breaking every promise made."

    If that isn’t the to-the-t playbook of ‘both sides’ in a more wordy format, I’ll eat my hat. It also manages to place the blame squarely on the democrats for their ‘wokeness.’ Somehow they’ve broken higher education, the financial system, the supply chain, ‘border security,’ the military… good god, what hasn’t been destroyed by ThE demOCraTS!

  • Skating’s rad. Longboarding is sweet. Rollerblading is tiiiiight, yo.

    Just get the protectors and you’ll be fine. Elbows, knees, helmet, wrist guard, and (depending on your age, if you’re older than 12 you’ll want) ankle reinforcement. If you really want to go all out, hip, back, and tailbone pads are cheap and still not constricting. Are you going to look goofy? Sure. Is everybody else just as goofy? They’re wearing clothes, aren’t they? Of course they’re goofy. Just make sure the helmet covers the parts of the head that are going to get hit, not just the top.

  • I wonder how hard it would be to fake a ‘ship’ being towed from the rough area where you boarded, and put on a real rocket. How many people would still argue it wasn’t real when they saw the launch of a rocket that could reach a few dozen miles up? Sure, some would have the technical knowledge to look at the rocket and know it wouldn’t be enough.

    Hide the true numbers off people boarding, and thus you can fake the ‘ship’ being super small, and it could work on the unknowledgeable viewer who is placed several miles away.