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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • enough onboard storage not to require any amount of expansion

    This is just wrong, my man! 128GB are NOT enough to not need expansion! And sure, I can pay the manufacturer 50$ for an extra 128 gig, but for the same money I can buy a 500GB SD card online! And many phones don’t even have the option for this much storage. Why not offer more storage AND an SD card slot?

    All new phones have audio connections built into the USB-C port

    Yes they have, but now I can’t use my headphones without a shitty adapter anymore. An adapter that can easily get lost! What is the advantage of that?

    I can tell you: it’s greed! We can sell you more storage at a premium. Your device storage ain’t enough? We offer cloud based storage for free! Oh, your free x amount of gigabytes is full? We sell you more storage as a subscription! Well, you don’t need storage anyways, because everyone streams their stuff today, don’t they? (Also subscription models)

    Your phone doesn’t have a 3.5mm jack anymore and you can’t use your headphones anymore? Buy our adapters for very little money (but that’s basically 5$ in extra profit per sold phone). Or, you know, bluetooth headphones! They are more convenient anyways, because they are wireless. Oh, you just need to charge them every few hours and the batteries in them are dead after ~2 years, that means we can sell you another pair for 150$! And god forbid you lose one of the tiny suckers, that’s gone be 150$ to replace them.

    FUCK THAT!!1!

  • Den Linken kann man seine Stimme seit der Invasion der Ukraine sowieso nicht mehr wählen, die haben die russische Propaganda 1:1 nachgeplappert.

    Warum nicht die Grünen? Die können ihre Wahlprogramm besser umsetzen je mehr Stimmen sie bekommen.

    Die SPD jat zwar mit Olaf als Kanzler wieder einen totalen Griff ins Klo gemacht, ist aber auf Landes- und Kommunalebene meistens engagiert (weiß jetzt nicht, ob das in eurer Gegend auch zutrifft).

    Für das EU Parlament kannst du ja auch mal kreativ werden. Vllt Tierschutz? VOLT?