• 7 Posts
Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: September 30th, 2023

  • there was also the video detailing how the layout actually formed from a morse code machine with individual letter keys and putting commonly used and similar in morse code letters together, and spelling typewriter with the top letter row was a coincidence. Much like every other theory I didn’t bother delving too deeply and verifying it myself.

    I have never heard of qazwsx but I do agree that there isn’t much value in qwerty any more though for me its not only touch that benefits from change

  • Grass@sh.itjust.workstoFuck Cars@lemmy.mlWeird
    4 days ago

    yeah I can’t imagine someone who does this for a job would carry a claw hammer. or that it would take so many people to bolt down each pylon. like I dunno maybe one or 2 to drill the holes, one to install and bond the studs, one to bolt the pylons down, and a traffic guy in each direction.

  • I really liked the two most recent ones, though I only played a tiny bit of ragnarok at a friends place because im not about to buy a playstation. I tried the original after on emu and its just not my thing. new ones are more talky and just listening to mimir while going around which is the most important part. theres a huge gap between the old games and the newer two with a whole lot left unexplained and you fill in some of the blanks from the ingame dialogue.

    if I had one major gripe, its the chapter where the kid has his rebellious phase or something and I recommend not backtracking for side goals untitl he becomes mentally stable again because the dialogue makes him seem really bipolar if you backtrack while he is being pissy. or just don’t miss anything as you go.

    edit: I meant to say something about how if you dont play the og games you kinda get the kids point of view where he doesnt really know anything about his dad’s past. that and the beard saves the guy from looking like warpaint agent 47.

  • I think its an outdated recommendation. They keep making weird choices and one of only two friends that was willing to try Linux went and tried Ubuntu without my input and decided to go back to windows for a bunch of mostly mundane reasons that could have either been configured away or been preempted by using a different distro. The other guy will be back but on bazzite after trying my steam deck he only left for shitty rootkit anticheat games that he’s now sick of. He started on one of the arch easy install methods and was already a power user on both windows and Mac.