• 10 Posts
Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: March 12th, 2024


  • Over the last eight months, Israel has killed at least 37,765 people and injured another 86,429, according to the ministry’s latest figures. These numbers are likely an undercount due to the decimated medical infrastructure, killed medical workers, and thousands feared trapped under the rubble in Gaza.

    Was there a debate in Congress? Did they reason their vote?

    The closing paragraphs in the article paint a bleak light. None of reason or arguments. Only denial and dismissal of opposition/different views without any reasoning.

  • How do you want us to push for peace there too? Because we have been since the beginning of the war in my eyes.

    What do you mean by “won’t recover from”? Because they have lost things that can’t be recovered since the beginning of the war. Russia is losing things they can’t recover too; thousands of its people for example, it’s money reserves, its military inventory, its non-military-sector economy. Where do you draw the line for Russia and Ukraine of what is “won’t recover from”? Western nations have already committed to helping rebuild the country and especially its destroyed infrastructure.

    How is the war in Ukraine “quickly turning into a much bigger global conflict”? Fighting is still only within Ukraine and the border to Russia. Western material support has been the case since the beginning.

    I have to assume by pushing for peace you mean Ukraine should accept losing large parts of its territory and human atrocities in order for the fighting to end. Is letting Russia win going to reduce conflict long term though? They’ll have more resources to invade other countries next. And proof that it’s a worth investment. That works and they win from. There was precedent before the current war in Ukraine, which is why they started this invasion in the first place. Only this time it didn’t go as smoothly.

  • The only way to meaningfully advocate for it after your company already announced their conditions and offerings is to present value gain.

    What do you suggest concretely? What should be offered under what conditions? What would that mean as cost? What would the benefit be? How substantial is it?

    Reaching out privately to them is certainly going beyond what you are employed for. I don’t know about ill-advised - if you never disclose it or are at least mindful of that. But it’s a personal assessment. You seem to be willing to invest a lot into a single customer, who tries to do something not offered or considered by the company. Whether it’s personal interest, or first a broader better understanding of the use case, I can see how it could be worth or worthwhile. But I wouldn’t get my hopes up about changing the opinions of your company [from their information alone].

    Your company offered API access. So there is an interface available. They won’t make it free unless they see and deem it worth it to do so.

  • A block on Twitter doesn’t say anything unless you know why they were blocked and know the person. Blocking can be more than warranted and justified. Be it spam, toxicity, harassment, or similar things. “I saw a screenshot of someone being blocked on Twitter” is not a good foundation for an argument.

    They talk about malware in npm packages. One example isn’t enough to make a general claim that all software with political opinions or voices becomes malware.

    When a platform follows sanctions, and the law, I don’t think you can claim them to be political and activism decisions. If you want to make that argument and want to do so in an absolutist fashion (not assess and reduce risks but evade them entirely), then you can only self-host and I guess on your own servers? No platforms, no services?

    Nowadays, there are many teams who buy popular apps and browser extensions to inject malware.

    … which has nothing to do with political views and especially not political views of the original authors and sellers.

    As you can see, the “opinion” or “political view” of a company is not only a way to hype on sanctions and curry favor with investors, the government, and consumers, but it is also a clear signal about potential threats. It signals that your sensitive data may be hijacked, sold, or wiped anytime if the political compass spins tomorrow and recognizes you as an enemy.

    No. None of what was written before showed me any of that.

    Some of the red flags I actively use to reject software:

    Direct political opinions in a product’s blog, like “we support X” or “we are against X”

    “We are free software and we support free software” -> REJECTED! (?)