Thank you!
Thank you!
Just for shits and giggles, I’ll try giving an actual argument.
In 2016, Hillary Clinton was right. It was her turn. She won the popular vote. I hate everything about that woman. I hate that she’s part of a dynasty, I hate that she rigged the primaries, I hate that her campaign donated money to Trump because they thought radicalising the right would lead to an easy win.
But she was right. The people did want a woman president, and that’s what they voted for. Walz is a really nice, genial guy. I like him. If he were a woman, I think he’d be a different person, or he’d not be a politician. Because to be a woman in the heart of the patriarchy, you need to be strong. You have to have unbreakable armour with no cracks. If the sexist system is challenged, then maybe the next woman president can be a nice person like Walz. But if we keep on having this system where women have to fight to be taken seriously and then aren’t liked for being fighters, then we’re never gonna have equality.
I don’t really care all that much about how good Harris is with a spreadsheet. Her debate and interview performance is important to me in a primary, not in a presidential election. At that point, I’m thinking about the future. About the girls who are going to become women in government. I want them to have more role models. I care way more about that than if Harris is nice, or if her budget plan is perfect.
I think Harris can be what America needs better than Walz can. Personality is only important in an election, symbolism is important in the white house.
Okay, so you’re saying a socialist USA is entirely impossible.
Then isn’t a neoliberal USA better than a Nazi USA? Just for 4 years? Isn’t 4 years of bad better than 4 years of awful?
Harris won the popular vote too, they just refused to count it.
Sanders is old and wants to retire. Walz/Cortez instead.
To be fair, the black Obama will also be running in the 2028 primary
I think he means leftists. Leftists didn’t believe the Democrats were fighting for them. I think he wants to fix that.
That’s more time for the lazy Americans to organise and have a communist revolution. That’s the goal. Delay fascism until the workers get their act together.
Walz was great in 2024. He had enthusiasm and actually answered the interviewers’ questions. I would have preferred the symbolic victory of a black woman president, but I like Walz better as an individual person. I think he could have won if he’d been the presidential candidate. Well, Harris won too, but I mean he could have won even with the voter suppression stealing all those democratic votes.
President Walz and Vice President Cortez is the future we need. But probably not the future we’ll get.
Potatoes don’t have a nervous system. As far as we can tell, a nervous system is required to feel pain.
Species is made up bullshit. There’s no such thing as humans.
I dunno. I haven’t had a long enough conversation with one to tell. I’d rather be safe than sorry. Last time we assumed a group of beings were subhuman and enslaved them, it wasn’t good.
And it is impossible to compare this complexity in practice, of course, as there are no criteria for measuring that.
Then why do you believe there’s a huge difference?
If one human’s inner life were more complex than another’s, would you value their life more?
I’m genuinely a vegan because I think racism is wrong.
Single cells don’t have a mind either. Minds are made of neurons. An embryo begins developing neural cells during the fifth week of development. That’s just a few neurons, though, not a full brain. A fetus doesn’t get smart enough to process sounds until the late second. If a mind isn’t even complex enough to process any sensory information, is it more deserving of life than a cow? Cows like to run in the grass and play. They have social relationships. Fetuses aren’t that complex.
What if we only normalise gay sex?
The human race thinks they’re the supreme race, better than the other races.
It’s like when you’re having a conversation on autopilot.
“Mum, can I play with my frisbee?” Sure, honey. “Mum, can I have an ice cream from the fridge?” Sure can. “Mum, can I invade Poland?” Absolutely, whatever you want.