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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • Sometimes, this is the case with my wife and I. We have kind of a fluid relationship. Each of us have things going on in our lives and one of us sometimes can’t contribute to the household as much as the other.

    When my wife was in college, I worked a shitload and was the bread winner. Now I’m in college and not working much at all and she is the breadwinner. Our marriage is hardly ever a 50/50, but we both understand this and I’m confident it’s one of the main reasons we are so great together.

  • Idk. My dad has always liked going to church. My family is catholic, I don’t really engage in any of it anymore. But my dad has always been a proponent of science. His opinion is that religion and science can inform each other.

    He believes in evolution. He knows vaccines work. And he certainly is not a trumper. He also likes to tell the story of how the big bang was initially hypothesized by a catholic priest.

  • In the past, I have been a proponent of learning to cook. Meal prep can save you money, and it tastes better than mickey dee’s. I still believe this, but the bill at the grocery store is making it more and more difficult.

    So now, I’ve been researching gardening and I hope i can save money by growing my own vegetables. I think there are ways to get it going without spending a ton of money. Especially by using reclaimed materials that are free or close to it.

    The issue that concerns me is the amount of time it takes to get the compost pile going. There will be upfront costs if your soil is shit and needs to be amended. Which defeats the entire purpose of growing your own food.

    It sorta feels like we’re fucked whichever direction we look.