• 16 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • He also seems to make a video almost every day. That really doesn’t help with the quality of the video’s. I doubt there is a lot of time to do additional research on the topic, so often it seems to just stick to the basic information from some kind of article and comments (and maybe a few related articles). And is often just related to the drama of the day.

    Although he does sometimes have video’s that do require more research, but a lot of people won’t see those as they assume low quality because of many other video’s.

  • Sometimes I do like his videos, but this one was positioned so bad. The video does go over the changes in Plasma 6.1 and they are good, but this is not a huge change that would change anybodies live.

    I know he is probably inspired by channels like Linus Tech Tips, but even they don’t got that far anymore. I think he probably intended this in a comedic way, as most of his audience knows that he makes his videos like this, but it really makes the videos worse.

  • Although this feature sounds helpful, it really looks like they went too far with this. They should probably look for a way to sell these Copilot+ pc’s in another way if they can’t get this secure enough and probably keep it disabled for companies…

    I’m surprised they didn’t make sure that the part that should help you hide sensitive information worked well before letting the first testers get their hands on the feature. All this bad news about the future doesn’t help convince people to turn it on.

  • I started with an openSUSE dual boot with KDE. I didn’t use Linux a lot at that point. Later, I switched to Ubuntu on a laptop for about a year and used that until I bought a MacBook. Eventually, I returned to Linux by running Pop!_OS on my desktop, but games were a bit choppy, and I really wanted to just run Wayland. I also started to use RHEL at work for our servers. So now I’m trying to switch to Fedora. I still have some issues with the Jagex Launcher, but aside from that, everything seems to work great now.

    At home, I have also had an Ubuntu Server for many years, and I also run Ubuntu Server on my VPS.

  • If you would just stick to playing games on the Quest 2/3 directly that should be fine. The Quest 2 can run basic games, so it does limit you a bit. For example VR Chat has some worlds with too many assets that are not playable on the Quest 2 directly. From what I remember you would be limited to Meta’s store though.

    Unfortunately VR seems to be a niche thing so I doubt this will get a lot of priority on Linux.

  • Flatpak and Snap definitely make installation more simple. The packages come with their own dependencies so you have way less issues with conflicting dependencies. I like them when they are officially supported by the distribution or developer, but I prefer the official installations over supporting a random person making a package (not sure if this is a thing with Flatpak, but with Snaps that was definitely a thing).

    Some software really benefits from not begin inside flatpak though, I had to switch back to the deb version of Visual Studio Code as the integrated console didn’t have access to some software outside the package and was also logging weird errors.

  • Heftig filmpje, ik snap wel dat politici dit soort journalisten irritant vinden, maar het gedrag van deze perschef kan echt niet. Wel bijzonder is dat dit dus al de tweede keer is dat een microfoon van hen weggegooid wordt en er gewoon later excuses aangeboden worden, zoiets moet niet normaal worden. Aan de andere kant mag er ook wel op een iets minder irritante manier vragen gesteld worden, je krijgt op deze manier toch geen goede antwoorden.

    Ik vraag me wel af of deze perschef niet op een effectievere manier deze journalisten bij Sophie Hermans weg had kunnen houden. Op deze manier krijgt ze de agressieve manier van interviewen alsnog over zich heen en moet de perschef veel te ver gaan, dus dit werkt ook niet.