Putting the terms in quotes helps sometimes
Putting the terms in quotes helps sometimes
And results that are 10+ years old…
Yellow is no color! Its made of green and blue!!
You can install bug nets yourself easily. There are some from tesa, its the net and a roll of velcro-like tape. I love them.
With Lynx You dont even need a browser to browse.
My xbox Gamer tag was oXOrangeBudXo because i was very cool and unique and just started smoking weed. I then went normal and was OrangeBud in different ways. Then Orange because i didnt smoke anymore. And then PixelOrange because i like the pixels. And if that name is taken, its PixeIOrange with upper i.
Because they use every reason to bring you online asap. Only then they can get as much data as they want. For example your location, no matter if via GPS or nearby Wifis.
Und was tut man, wenn man den Kaufvertrag nicht mehr hat? Habs vor ca. 20 Jahren gekauft, der Vertrag ist verlorengegangen… Hab nun Angst um mein Rad…
I am in this picture and i like it.
Agent Smith zuhause:
O no!
Looks like she has some really bad news for you… better inspect your bed before sleeping.
Dann auch gleich CxU, bitte.
They alter all rulers to hide the flat earth!!!
Richtig. Man sollte in Zeiten andauernder negativer Informationsflut lernen, seinen Kopf mit schönen Dingen zu füllen.
Edit: Zum Beispiel 1 Bier