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Cake day: June 22nd, 2023


  • Mr. Altman’s departure follows a deliberative review process by the board, which concluded that he was not consistently candid in his communications with the board, hindering its ability to exercise its responsibilities. The board no longer has confidence in his ability to continue leading OpenAI.

    That’s wild. Given the abruptness and his profile, I was thinking it must be an improper conduct investigation. But either way, I hope we get more details.

  • If you don’t have cartridges, at the moment it may be hard to justify the price. The reason is the screen - it is so high resolution, it will emulate sub-pixel LCD screen characteristics from the original GB/GBC/GG screens, BUT ONLY for physical cartridges OR GB/GBC games that have been converted to .pocket files (you can do this easily, but it’s still an extra step).

    So for most people, it will play similar to the much cheaper Miyoo Mini or other Chinese emulation handhelds.

    However, there has been a long-held expectation that Analogue will enable display mode options in the OpenFPGA cores, which would erase this handicap and mean absolutely, if you want to get the real experience of these systems, this is the only game in town. But it hasn’t happened yet. You may not be able to buy a system later though, when it happens, so it’s kind of a gamble.

  • lobut’s explainer video explains the contract law provision, but to be honest, it’s a deeply cynical use of contract law. The reason is that typically (and for nearly every piece of retail-sold property), you have property rights exactly like what everyone in this thread is intuiting. Those property rights absolutely would give you the right to resell.

    Contract law trumps those rights, and Cena signed a contract. That is where the discussion keeps ending. But a court, if it’s circumspect enough, may continue the case long enough to examine how property and contract rights are in conflict. And it’s entirely possible property rights may win in the end.

    Why? Because the contract may be invalid if it is “illusory.” An illusory contract is as it sounds based on a false presumption of exchanged value (“consideration”) or a false promise of performance from Tesla. Here, Tesla may be technically complying with contract consideration requirements by lumping the actual Cybertruck into the value exchange, which sounds right from a contract law perspective. However, if Tesla is not offering substantial value beyond what a typical retail sale would be, and if they are only offering the same ongoing services as typical retail customers, there is a small chance a court may decide that the contract is a pretext to in fact simply (and illegally) limiting property rights.

    That said, I’d give it maybe a 5% chance of success. Contract law is one thing most judges will almost never interfere with. Which is why Tesla and others are doing it. They typically only do it with cars like high-end sports cars.

    But importantly, it could become commonplace for anything you buy even at retail when combined with “clickwrap” agreements - i.e., agreements like in software that activate when you use or open the product. So it’s very very important that we continue to push back on this.

  • Dear Investors to Reddit’s upcoming IPO

    We have been making some exciting changes to ready the company for our public offering. Please read on for the exciting details.

    First, we want to reassure investors that we’ve worked hard since June, 2023 to alienate our most active users, who have been cluttering Reddit with non-profitable, straightforward discussion and help for years, and ensure that users cannot access our platform with reliable, convenient smartphone apps.

    And we know it’s not enough to merely insult the people who have donated substantial parts of their lives to make our platform valuable; we’re also planning for the future. As you may have recently heard, we’re introducing a system to directly pay users who reliably produce the most attention-grabbing clickbait content. We are confident this will ensure that if those long-time users ever feel like returning, they will only find a hellscape of low-effort, reheated viral content and memes, accompanied by consistent, reliable comment sections of karma-farming bots and users.

    But there’s more! We today announce that search engine users eventually will not be able to locate anything on the site, consistent with the existing experience for current on-site Reddit users. We know that a curated, managed experience is what most reliably leads to happy investors, so rest assured, we will be slowly cutting off all avenues for users to direct their own experience on Reddit. Yay!

    As the IPO day nears, remember: when we are finished only the worst content will be available by an audience who can’t find us. Our core audience will be the users who remain trapped, Clockwork Orange-style, in an endless cycle of stimulation triggers structured to maximize ad viewing, in order to ensure our investors capture the maximum proportion of the site’s rapidly diminishing value. In other words, get ready to maximize ARPU, investors!

    With these changes, invest with confidence. With geniuses like us at the helm, you can be sure line goes up.

  • Out of all the responses here, this is the only one that takes into account the actual psychological forces motivating the decision-makers.

    The CEOs cannot justify their real estate expenses to their boards when employees are not filling those seats, and they likewise are contractually obligated to pay millions, hundreds of millions, or billions of dollars (depending on the company) for years to those lessors or lenders. There is a simpler motivation than "industrywide collusion and conspiracy to profit" - it is the motivation of these individual CEOs to appear competent and intentional despite that boulder they've placed around the company's neck.

    It isn't a cross-company conspiracy. It's each CEO's personal but widely-shared motive to avoid embarrassment and their inability to adapt. Whether consciously or not, this is all those CEOs need to look at the "data" selectively and post-hoc rationalize RTO with platitudes like "increased collaboration and productivity" while ignoring the decreased morale, lost productivity from 2 hours of daily commute time, etc. It maintains the status quo that they assumed when committing to their property leases, and resolves any cognitive dissonance in the way most flattering to themselves (at the cost of their employee's time, mental health, and personal freedom).